State of the Sndbox Thumbnail Competition [February Winners + Upvote Prizes]

Thank You!

Last Wednesday, we opened up our 6th round of the State of the Sndbox Thumbnail competition. All Steemians were invited to compete for voting prizes and the winner would have their entry used as the cover of our February newsletters. We hit a record breaking just-under-100 submissions this month! So let’s drive right into the winners -

First Place [100% Upvote] @ngfx

Congratulations to @ngfx for the grand prize and February’s selection! Amongst all the animations, renderings, and collages, @ngfx’s super unique interpretation of The State of the Sndbox mission really caught our attention. It balances the seemingly complex with all the few necessary bits of information. We’re excited to use this throughout this month!

Support the original post, here.

Second Place [50% Upvote] @mintvilla

Congratulations to @mintvilla! We’re also in high hopes of the Olympic performances this month and it’s a great and unique strategy to link the thumbnail design to a major event in real life. We love the corollary to champion Jamie Anderson and the energy of the US going into the launch of these Winter Games!

Support the original post, here.

Third, Fourth, Fifth [20% Upvote Each]

Congratulations @dunsky. We love the glasses and the dedicated geometry of our logo in your latest submission. Support the original post here.

Congratulations @wanaf. Very unique and atmospheric! Support the original post here.

Congratulations @thillustrator. Back to back hits from this incredible rendering designer. Support the original post here.

Thank You Everyone!

We have had some incredible entries for our February Thumbnail Competition. A big congratulations to @ngfx for the winning entry and an every bigger thank you to everyone who submitted. Stay tuned for next month!

September competition results here.

October competition results here.

November competition results here.

December competition results here.

January competition results here.


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