Welcome to @artgirl's After Easter Animal Contest!!!

Hahaha! Finally a contest by yours truly! Animal and pet lovers unite! :P

You know, I like cats, they are just adorable and annoying sometimes. Lol. I also appreciate sea creatures because I have some sort of affinity to the ocean I think. Oh I will write a post about the Pawikan conservation soon. I hope I get to it.

But first, here's ze mommy cat for you! ♥ She's just cute.

mommy cat3b.jpg

Anyway, what better way to celebrate Easter and the love of pets than having an after Easter contest! And because not all of us have Easter bunnies, I will make this a pet/animal contest! What kind of pet/animal contest? Well below are the rules.

♥ !! THE After Easter Pet/Animal Contest RULES !! ♥

1. So tell me, what's the most unique, funniest or strangest thing you saw a pet or an animal do?

Post your entry as a comment below. Must be between 210 to 350 words only. No more minimum word requirement but do elaborate please so we all enjoy the story. It should have a pic or video too as PROOF that you saw or experienced it. Pls make sure to include any Why, Where, When, What or How in your story (about the situation) so you can meet the required number of words.

You can make a post out of it but I will only require a comment contest entry below which is within the required number of words. 😊 The post can help in terms of explaining the story and it may or may not give you a higher chance of winning.

2. It has to be a TRUE STORY.

It doesn't need to be complicated but it has to have happened and it has to be the best you can share! PROOF can be a picture/video of you and the pet, or you at the zoo with the animal or a pic of an old picture you took from the zoo etc. Doesn't necessarily have to be on the day it happened if you don't have any pic/vid on that day.

If you don't have any video or picture of the animal you are talking about then maybe a picture/video of you traveling there? Or your companion's pic/video of you or the animal? If it's a family member's or friend's video, photo or article, get their permission to post it and credit them too. Just remember, * Honesty is the best policy. *

As long as you can prove you saw and experienced it yourself then it's a valid entry!


Example entries would be:

• Did you see a cat stick out it's tongue far too long like the cat pictured above that I wrote about in a previous post?
• Or did you see a snake save a puppy or something (like this could happen? I dunno, you tell me. Haha).
• Did your goldfish pretend to drown because your cat was watching it or what?
• Did your significant other's iguana do a somersault in the air and somehow it landed on your face?
• Did your kid call your attention to 2 zoo ostriches suddenly playing with one worm?

I mean I dunno what you saw and experienced so... do tell. Share your story with everyone, entertain us and win some SBD! (_)

3. Your comment HAS TO BE ORIGINAL and NOT COPIED from somewhere and must INCLUDE PROOF as mentioned above.

The most unique, funny or weirdest thing a pet/animal did should be something that you have seen with your own eyes and/or experienced personally.

FACEBOOK or YOUTUBE VIDEOS and popular ONLINE STORIES ARE NOT ALLOWED pls, unless of course you own the video or picture or article, INCLUDE the PROOF. Honesty is the best policy.

4. It's not required but feel free to upvote and resteem this post.

So if you upvote this post of course the SBD prize will increase and winners get more than what I can offer. I will put half of the 75% SBD I get from this post into the prize pool if a lot of people upvote this.

Resteeming this post will give more people a chance to win some SBD. :D If payout is big enough I might be able to donate some to the pet foundation I support.

More competition, more fun, more SBD!

5. Comment must be in English only, or with English translation if in another language.

If comment is in another language (like Korean, Spanish etc) it must have an English translation as well. As long as the English version is within 210 to 350 words then it will be accepted.

DEADLINE: You have up to 7 days to put a comment below from the time this is posted until this post pays out.

♦ Criteria for judging ♦

So I will choose the best of the best but here's the judging criteria:

• 80% Unique and draws out the most emotion out of me!
Made me (and/or other judge/s if many people join) Laugh, Cry, Get afraid etc.

• 20% Audience Impact
Did a lot of people find it funny, weird, unique too? Genuine interaction on the comment is what counts, NOT the # of comment upvotes.

♦ SBD Prizes for the Winners! ♦

The prize pool was originally 3.5 SBD out of my own Steemit wallet, now that we have sponsors, this is the new prize breakdown:
1st place: 3 SBD
2nd place: 2 SBD
3rd place: 1 SBD

And if there's a lot of entries then I/we will choose 5 or more honorable mentions.


In case of a tie, the one with the lower reputation wins. If they have the same rep, only then will the comment upvote count. :D
In case of a big payout and/or increase in prize pool from generous sponsors , I will edit this post to reflect the increase in SBD prizes for the winners and provide SBD prizes to more honorable mentions. :D
If there's too many entries that I can't judge everything on my own, I will ask a friend or two to help me judge the best among the rest. I will also make a post of it.
• If there's less than 10 entries then only 3 people will get a prize. If there's just 5 entries then only 1 person will win!

Announcement of winners will be a few days to a week maybe, after the post pays out.

SPONSORS are welcome. 😁

If you'd like to sponsor this contest and add some more SBD to the prize pool, feel free to let me know. I am on steem.chat using @artgirl as well or leave a comment about it. :D

Thanks so much to those who have sponsored this contest! @pinay and @simplymike

Now that the prizes and everything have been discussed you can now share your best comments below! Make sure to follow all the rules to qualify! May the most fun, unique and/or weirdest comment win! ♥

Need to jog your memory? Well, think back and remember, did you see anything funny at the zoo you went to years ago? How about your neighbor's pet? Did you travel somewhere and saw some weird animal behavior? Or maybe go outside now before the 7 days is up and look for or watch out for some pets/animals in the hopes of seeing them do some unique, funny or weird things.


P.S. I have another contest in mind already! Haha! Whew join this one first and let's see if I will do another contest. Also, I will be out for the day and may not be able to comment much but just have fun and post away!


Spam comments will be FLAGGED / DOWNVOTED if it is not revised upon warning.

Images are mine.

All rights reserved.
Written by @artgirl for Steemit.
© Art x Stephanie Rue

@artgirl is a freelance artist and also a real estate agent for resort-type condo communities in Metro Manila.
For any art or property inquiries, you can chat me up on steem.chat or send me a Facebook message. Link in my bio.


For more of my latest posts still within the 7 day period upon posting this, do check below:

For my art, writings and other posts, feel free to check my blog page.



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♥ Thanks! ♥

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