WINNERS! 500 Followers: Creative Writing CONTEST

Oh my word. Can someone remind me to never hold a contest that I have to judge again? I just hate having to make the choices because I just want everyone to win!!! Thankfully, @serapium (who has way different ideas and standards than I do!) was able to help me out again, so we had a thorough panel of ideas, conversations whilst reading, rereading and trying to choose! Thank you to everyone who entered and poured yourselves into writing such awesome stories!

At any rate, a contest is a contest and so I did have to finally bite the bullet and put things in some semblance of order.

Thanks again to the artists @abyni @ikaraboutyou @loliboofae and @knightengale for providing the artwork for the contest!

Without further ado, here are the winners!!! There are so many awesomely fun and so many different styles and stories here, they are all worth the read. I hope that you will go and give them some support!

Click on the graphic to go to their page and read the stories


3rd Place (tie)

Very cool idea here! This is a fun read with an awesome little plot device going on. I won't say more and give it away, but very cool story!


3rd Place (tie)

This story really resonates with an honesty that I wasn't expecting. It did a great job of capturing the beginnings of a love story. The author has done a remarkable job of putting feelings and emotions into words.


2nd Place

Very interesting, imaginative look into the soul of a writer. Evoking a lot of visual imagery of what it feels like (for me, anyway) when wild inspiration strikes.



1st Place

Fun fantasy story with twists and unexpected turns throughout. With fantastic visuals and an incredibly creative use of the prompt(s) this story was definitely worth a win! It made me want to read more, especially about the talking pig.



Proof of Payout



Honorable Mentions:

Cool story! Another entry that left me wanting more of the story. This one has a VERY intriguing plot and interesting characters.


The intrigue is real! This seems like the beginning of a very cool movie plot and I want to know what happens next. I think this could make a very interesting series!


This story has an almost dream like feel (or perhaps a nightmare!) to it. Great imagination here and I feel like I might have gotten a little too good of a visual of the alien creatures in this one!


This trippy time travel suspense story with an almost "Film noir" feel to it made for a fun read:

500-Eagle-Spirit-different Realm.png

Very intense story!


Intriguing plot about time travel and interrupting a person's fate to change the future events. Cool story with lot's of unexpected twists and turns!



Click the icons to read some of my other posts!

Weekly hilarious and salty letters from the cat that lives on a sailboat


More life stories from me wrapped around the reasons for my tattoos:



And of course, who doesn't like FREE STUFF???



Photos/screenshots from the contestants are linked directly to the post. Artwork provided with permission by @ikaraboutyou @abyni @loliboofae Other graphics & thumbnails are made by me.


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