[FICTION CONTEST] One Day in 2040 - Announcement of Winners

I was delighted to have 17 entries on my One Day in 2040 contest.

This was the first time that I had run a fiction contest like this so I really didn't know what to expect.

In the end the contest received a whole array of fascinatingly different views of our near future.

2040 is just 23 years from now. Most of us hopefully will still be alive.

I chose this time period as I first set up my internet business 23 years ago this month. In that time I have seen digital technology expand and advance at an astonishing, and sometimes quite alarming, rate.

Project that same timespan forward and you get to 2040.

The pace of change and development is accelerating at an ever faster pace. Riding alongside that the changes that society is seeing are becoming ever more exaggerated and impactful.

The contest entries explored that future from many different angles and with many different aspect ratios - utopian to full on dystopian. Take your pick.

It made for good reading.

As ever with such contests the judging was not easy, and with so many entries it was harder still.

However it is a contest so there must be winners.

I made my winning selections based on a whole range of factors including quality of writing, closeness to the brief, presentation, feasibility of the timescale and just how much I enjoyed reading them.

Here then is my list of winning entries :

My congratulations to all the winners. And my major thanks to @Mikepm74 and @gmuxx for sponsoring the prizes for the contest.

I will be sending the SBD prizes to the winners later on Friday.

I am happy to discuss the entries further with any of the contestants. Just catch me on Discord.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to enter. Let me know if you would like me to run another similar contest. If there is enough interest maybe we could do One Day in 2060...

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[image from pixabay - Creative Commons CC0]

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