Mike awoke with a Start! @steemfluencer 's Creative Writing Challenge number three

Mike awoke with a start!

everything seemed to be twisting and turning
and now the screaming started
heard even over the roar of the engines

and the control panel turning over and over.

flames coming from the edges

and the smoke

Mike awoke with a start!
his mind wouldn't snap into gear.
was that a dream?
was he flying?
the control panel blinked but flickered slowly into right-side up-ness

was he flying?

he still didn't know.

He seemed to be sitting in the most familiar seat in the world, at least to his tanned butt.
But he couldn't think straight.


Micheal M Molmountain

voted the straightest gay in his class
for his class, which he had in spades

and now he could scarcely remember who he was

Micheal M Molmountain
he repeated to himself.

flawless piloting record.
not one blemish.

and now this.

he continued to sit there not even sure what to think any more.
what was happening?

what was this sensation?
was he flying?
He still couldn't decide if this was real or the result of some bad combination of food and coffee,

out of the fog

something about a coffee

what had Pedro asked him before

"what do you want in your coffee?"

and he had said stupidly, "stick six quaaludes in just in case"


artwork by @spaingaroo

post as response to @steemfluencer 's prompts, although free form and on the fringe festival, where the freakshow is.


if you want to see a few more of my things try
my previous challenge entries
part two, ChlamydĂ tus
part one, seventh book challenge



maybe this is common place,
remember where you saw it first.
The blockchain doesn't lie
images by @spaingaroo, artwork by @spaingaroo, incredible chewy goodness by @spaingaroo

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