Bahbahra’s Buddy Contest (week 4) 5 SBD in Prizes

Bahbahra’s Buddy Contest (week 4) 5 SBD in Prizes


Bahbahra’s Buddies Contest

Bahbahra has again been so excited seeing all the responses to this weeks contest.

Let’s get straight down to business first and announce this week’s winner

This weeks winner as Chosen by Bahbahra, my wife, and myself is *** Luigi and @barbara-orenya Congratulations 3 SBD will be on its way shortly ***

Luigi poured a lot out of himself in this Story
And to be realistic he poured a lot of the story into himself as well, he loves a variety of drinks, including coffee, wine and I personally was pleased he was a Beer Drinker, **Bahbahra was more taken that he likes natural home made drinks
A post well worth checking out, beautifully written and delightful images

Judging this contest is such a challenge, all the entries were such fun, The following posts were all such fun to read and picked by Bahbahbahra and myself as Honorable mentions

@old-guy-photos and Old Hank visited Bahbahra again with this post, Now with the subject of drinking I should have expected a visit from Old Hank and Bahbahra we so refreshed to hear that even though he likes Rare Breed Wild Turkey, that he is however drinking water a lot, and not only that advertising steemit

@dmcamera shared this sweet story from Dopey Dog to Bahbahra, I think the name doesnt suit at all he seems far from Dopey although he does have some cat issues he was supportive of his poor heart broken friend Hamish
Dopey I know this won’t go too far but sending 1 SBD your way via @dmcamera for you to help make Hamish and yourself feel better

@eleonardo shared this epic battle between Thor and Darth Vader and as is common after a epic Battle drinking was the norm
Thanks @eleonardo for taking part and sending 1 SBD your way

And lastly I must thank @txatxy who posted Pepe’sApology for not respondingin time this week
which was warmly accepted

And this weeks Challenge is…


***For this week Bahbahra and I have truly appreciated all the entries and support for this competition so without further ado next weeks theme is Friends

Now over the years with us Bahbahra has always been very outgoing and often wanted photos with her friends
Now while she isnt looking I will highlight she is a tiny little thing and hmm shall I say she is a bit light in the brain department, so some of her friends may be a little strange

Bahbahra was so excited when we were out for dinner one evening and wanted a chat with her new friends

Shhsshhh yes I know they are Salt Shakers but out little friend doesnt


As featured in another post recently our Cat Sefidi and Bahbahra got on so well, well I had to watch Sefidi, she genuinely did seem to love Bahbahra so much so I did see her tryint to sneak her away from us at times which she was trying to do when this photo was taken


In the office one day I found that Bahbahra had again made a new group of friends , these ones from Myanmar I do believe, I have to admit thought i wasn't sure if this was a genuine two way friendship, they were a bit of a captive audience and Bahbahra* was in a chatty mood so it seemed more like a lecture than a friendship to me, but what do I know i am just a mere male.

So we would love to see photos or sketches of your toys and there friends, remember Bahbahra is very open to all types of friends as you can see from this post, even these little characters


Details of the contest and timeline listed below

The prizes for this week will be:

One Winner 3 SBD
Honorable Mentions: 1 SBD

Please remember this contest is all about having fun, so it’s not about a fancy photo or a long flowing price of prize winning prose, although you're more than welcome to submit those as well, equally welcome are quick snaps or even a sketch of your toy (even if it is imaginary) and a few words or sentences related to the weekly challenge

OK, here is how this contest will work:

  1. Each week I will post a Photo of Bahbahra and a theme for your picture and story - this week being Friends

  2. You must submit your post by the upcoming Wednesday (before the end of the day), which includes a photo of your toy (appropriate to the challenge) and includes a short story from your small toy/animal responding to Bahbahra’s story.

  3. To be eligible to win the 5 SBD in prizes, you must meet the following criteria:
    Be following me
    Upvote and Resteem this post
    Submitted a post with relevant photo and story line
    **Use the tag #bahbahrabuddycontest for your post
    Note: please be careful with the spelling of Bahbahra so we do not miss seeing any posts :)

  4. If this contest gets popular and grows, I will increase the prize and perhaps expand to a 2nd and 3rd prize, so please do Resteem so more can see and enter.

  5. One week later, I will do the next post naming the winner(s) and adding a new storyline for the next week's contest along the same lines.

Why am I doing this?

I appreciate the amazing support I have received from this community since I joined here just over 3 months ago and have been thinking for a while now that I wanted to start a challenge. I was wondering what sort of challenge or contest I could start with and after chatting with good friends and I came up with this idea.

So Week three of this contest is now Live and I look forward to your entries

Good luck, and I am looking forward to seeing all the entries.

Some other contests you may be interested in run by friends are

Here are a few run by friends on here:
@topkpop hosts the Art Contest
The current theme is Fantasy

Another which I help judge is run by @killerpix and is the weekly photo contest
This weeks new theme is Autumn

Another cool contest is Monomad Contest Hosted by @brumest. With this week’s theme being MINIMALISM

All photos on this blog are taken by myself, mostly with a Sony Mirrorless camera

If your interested in thealliance Check out the latest posts
Or Chat with us on Gamma Syndicate on Discord

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