Oh the shake up... Things are starting to get hot

I posted about state capture demonstrations and about the leak of about 100 000 emails a couple of weeks back.

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Well, the story just keeps getting bigger.

If you need to catch up here are the links below:





This email leak is turning out to be a veritable treasure trove and now even more international companies seem to have had their proverbial hands in the South African cookie jar.

When dealing with corruption the government entities are usually well known, and this has been the case.

Up till now corporate entities have been pretty much unknown and these emails are flushing them out at quite a pace.

  • British PR firm Bell Pottinger, were some of the first, to allegedly be implicated in the emails, with their diversionary PR campaign, to foment race hatred in South Africa.

They have attempted a lame duck apology and fired a few people already.

Now we have a couple more that are being fingered for dubious dealings by the email trails.

  • SAP, a massive software giant from Europe seems to have made some rather large payments to one of the questionable companies.--- their response is that it was sales commission. Many don't seem to be buying this so it will be interesting to see how this unfolds.

  • KPMG, that massive global network of audit, tax and advisory services.
    They are in the hot seat for not having raised red flags for a very large and very dubious transaction during audits. It looks like private wedding expenses of 30 million rand ultimately ended up being paid for with public funds.
    This was for none other than the now infamous Gupta wedding that made the Gupta's a household name.

  • McKinsey, a worldwide management consulting firm, now appears to have been paying off fronting companies that added no value, while supposed to be looking into wasteful and irregular expenditure at Eskom the state owned Power utillity.

These guys are supposed to be the champions of Corporate Governance world wide and now we are seeing just what they get up to behind closed doors.

It was similar types of activities that brought down the auditor firms and consulting houses relating to the Enron debacle.

It's going to be interesting to see where these revelations lead.

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