Using Art to Build Empathy | Case Studies

Access to art is a human right. We want people everywhere to be able to experience art, culture and creativity -- and most importantly, we want to tell stories that inspire and transform their opinion of what is possible.

Some TNA members fooling around!

The New Alchemists are a new group on steemit that is invested in cross-sector collaboration, artistic networking, and creative placemaking.

Whew baby, I just thew some vocab at you. Let's break it down.

Cross-sector collaboration

We want artists of all sorts to put their heads together to make more creative projects. Our background is theatre--where artists of different genres (lighting design, costume/fashion design, construction/scenic design, makeup design, audio design, projection/visual design and more) come together to make something amazing. How great would it be if we could connect an animator with a film composer -- and then support their developing collaboration?

Artistic Networking

This goes hand-in-hand with collaboration. However, I find I tend to collaborate with a few key individuals at a time, while my network is vast. We want to build a network of high-quality artists who think outside of the box and are committed to supporting one another. We seek people are are: professional, a pleasure to work with, flexible, and committed to quality and community.

Creative Placemaking

Here's a term that's been bandied about the internet in nonprofit arts and community organizing circles for a while now. Here is the Artscape DIY definition which I think is pretty solid:

Creative Placemaking is an evolving field of practice that intentionally leverages the power of the arts, culture and creativity to serve a community’s interest while driving a broader agenda for change, growth and transformation in a way that also builds character and quality of place.

Today we'll share some Creative Placemaking case studies. Then we'll talk about one of our upcoming creative placemaking projects and get your feedback about how we can support it via the blockchain.

Creative Placemaking is a constantly evolving field.

Although most conversations around the topic have to do with projects happening in the real world, I like to think of The New Alchemists as an incubator of "creative placemaking" on steemit -- using our account as a landing spot for artists of any sort looking to think outside of the box about how they tell their story. Here are a few words from ArtPlace America CEO Rip Rapson:

I'm a storyteller by trade and I will tell you -- there is nothing more compelling than a good story.

Good stories change minds, hearts, and ultimately the world. All artists use their art to tell a story, and here at The New Alchemists we are intent on sharing those stories with all of steemit. We want to help you showcase not only your art, but also who you are as a total human being. Let's get to know the artists of steemit!

Before we get to it, let's check out some examples of Creative Placemaking happening out in the world to show you exactly what we're talking about.

One of the primary incubators of creative place-making theory has been ArtPlace America, a national creative place-making fund in the US that has been supporting some incredible projects. Today I'll share with a you a few of their recent community partners!

Example #1 -- Heartbeat of San Jose Japantown

Here's what ArtPlace has to say about the project:

San Jose Japantown in California is one of the three remaining Japantowns in the United States. San Jose Taiko, long-recognized as the heartbeat of this community, is building a Creative Center as a physical and cultural anchor within this revitalized neighborhood. Through the presentation of contemporary Japanese/Japanese-American and other cross-cultural art events this project will foster economic vitality and street activity in hopes of mitigating disruption to local businesses during the construction period. Longer term, the Center, its tenants, and visitors will become an integrated part of the Japantown fabric contributing to the vibrancy of this community.

Example #2 -- Arts for Learning/Miami, Inc.

Here's what ArtPlace has to say about the project:

In partnership with visual artist Chat Travieso and playwright Tarell Alvin McCraney (Moonlight), Arts for Learning will facilitate a youth-led reimagining and planning program that takes as its starting point the historic remains of a segregation wall that still exists in Miami, FL’s Liberty City neighborhood. Many residents are not aware of its history despite the fact that they have lived with it in their community for decades. The original race wall was built in 1937 to appease white neighbors by segregating the new Liberty Square housing development for black residents.

Example #3 -- Appalachian Artisan Center of Kentucky

Here's what ArtPlace has to say about the project:

In Hindman, KY, the Appalachian Artisan Center will expand its work with youth and adults to address the community’s opioid epidemic through workforce programs in traditional craft and music. These programs will also contribute to an increase in economic opportunity through the creation of jobs to meet an increasing demand for handcrafted instruments in the region. This project is partnering with a rare luthiery studio in Hindman as one of several education and workforce partners.

Example #4 -- Double Edge Theatre Productions

Here's what ArtPlace has to say about the project:

Double Edge Theatre will transform currently vacant and underutilized farm buildings in Ashfield, MA into a vibrant arts campus which aims to make Ashfield a destination that aggregates creativity, artistic expression, imagination, and culture alongside a rural identity; demonstrating how art is key to economic sustainability. Double Edge Theatre is located on a 100-acre former dairy farm.

As you can see, Creative Placemaking is a field with endless options and different ways of creatively collaborating within, and outside of, your sector! Human imagination is the only limit.

Here at The New Alchemists, we want to build our site page and Discord as a "creative placemaking" incubator for folks who are working on the blockchain and out in the real world. We want to support creative folks looking to collaborate, connect, and use their art in innovative ways!

In 2017 The New Alchemists undertook the first year of a creative placemaking project in Hawai'i! Check out my original post here.

This past Spring (March through April 2016), Hilo-born, Seattle-based scenic designer artistic producer Brandon Estrella and his artist collective The New Alchemists (including co-founders Ahmed Alabaca and Lily Raabe), approached the East Hawai`i Cultural Center (EHCC) about the possibility of the Center producing a showcase of devised original plays based on stories told by local community groups as part of downtown Hilo’s Aloha First Fridays events. We had received a $5,000 commission from the County of Hawai’i to support our work.

The conversation progressed, partners were engaged, and work began on the project. In March 2017, Brandon, Ahmed, and I flew to Hilo, HI where we partnered with EHCC, Waiakea High School, and Full Life Hawaii/Abled Hawaii Artists to create two original plays performed for Aloha First Fridays. This community-based project gathered people in Hilo around EHCC as a downtown cultural and business hub and spotlighted local artists, vendors, and businesses.

This is exactly the kind of work we want to continue -- and it's the kind of work we want to support and incubate on steemit by creating opportunities for collaboration amongst creative minds on the platform!

We will be returning to Hawai'i in 2019, and one of our steemit goals is to do fundraising to support the continuation of this project moving forward! We would love your thoughts on steemit fundraising as we prepare to launch the project in the next few months!

JOIN THE NEW ALCHEMISTS DISCORD CHANNEL --> It’s for artists and creative minds of all backgrounds!

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Getting to Know The New Alchemists
New Outlet for Performing + Visual Artists on Steemit

Hi friend! Thanks for stopping by, I’m really glad you’re here!

I’m an artist, writer, and creative consultant based in the Pacific Northwest. I'm also the Artistic Director of The New Alchemists! You can check out my intro post, read more about the theatre projects I work on, or follow me! I’m especially interested in finding other performing artists on this site. If that’s you, please say hello! See you around the steemosphere! @lilyraabe

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