Clash Of Streamers | Reasons I bought 6 Furamingo Pets!

I've been pretty vocal how I believe Clash Of Streamers will be a Crypto Play2Earn game that will eventually take off and become really popular. I'm anticipating that being an early adopter playing the game before the crypto space starts discovering it will serve me quite well in the long run similar to getting in on Splinterlands early. Today I bought 6 NFT Pets in the game for these reasons...

This post is Similar to previous posts where I was sharing exactly what I was doing with some reasons why:

I tend to be very calculated with these things and am quite tight on actually spending money on these Games and NFTs unless I see a very high probability of at least getting my money back. Clash Of Streamers is certainly one of those games where strategically spending some money especially this early on is something I'm willing to do.

Exclusive Hero & Pet Skins

So one of the monetization ways of the game is to have exclusive skins for Heroes and Pets that are available for a week and never again afterward. They are putting up 1 Hero or Pet each week for a price that depends on the rarity (even though how many are sold is how many will be in circulation). The maximum an account can buy is 6.

Last week, it was a hero was an Epic Mage Trihard Skin which cost 40$. I ended up buying 3 of them for Free using 25 Sale Points on Each (See Guide To Deals & Sale Points

This week it is a rare Pet Skin which is Called the Furamingo with 6 of them available which go for 9.99$ each. Right now, only 860 of them have been bought with around 4 hours left to get them (you need to be Level 5 account in order to gave access to them so players that start now will have to wait for the next exclusive skin if they want to get in on it this earnly)

These pets and heroes that are being sold the first month in the game will most likely turn out to be the rarest in the game and players will need them to unlock certain achievements in the game and such. They on top also can be sold in the Auction House for Crypto which is the most difficult to get currency in the game needed to export heroes and pets to the blockchain. These exported heroes and pets will have a value in PRPS attached to them for which they can be burned for. (this value depends on the season and how many are exported in total during a season.)

GUBI Play2Earn Implementation

Today, the game added a new Play2Earn mechanic where players are able to convert Crypton they earn into GUBI (1 Crypton = 1 Gui) which can be exported to the Binance Smart Chain and sold on Pancakeswap for a minimum value of 1$ for 1000 GUBI. Trading just went live and 1000 GUBI (which can be used to but in-game deals at the price it is trading for similar to DEC) goes for 1.257$. (See BSCScan GUBI)

The Furamingo Pets right now in the Auction House go for 17450 Crypton which equals ~21$ while they only cost 10$ and they are very likely to go up in price as the game becomes more and more popular having a bigger player base while there are a very limited amount of these pets available.

For those that are new to this game who want more info, also check:


I am very bullish on Clash Of Streamers as and NFT Cypto Play2Earn game and am right now fully in a zone where I'm getting an early advantage building my account accumulating as many of the exclusive hero & Pet early skins as I possibly can before the game gets a lot more popular. (which I am convinced it will). For those that have kicked themselves for not getting in on Splinterlands early, this potentially could be a 2nd chance as Clash Of Streamers right now is like getting in on Splinterlands at the time back when DEC was introduced. Of course, none it this is a guarantee and I would advise everyone to at least try it out and make up their own mind as the game is very Free2Play friendly. I will continue to make articles with guides and things I have learned about the game going forward.

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