Top Long Term Value CryptoCurrencies To Invest In According To Experts

Probably the most common question people ask once they’ve heard all the hype about cryptocurrencies is which coins they should buy. The other commonality among the newbies is that unlike me, they don’t spend 12+ hours a day every day listening to opinions of popular cryptocurrency personalities and experts, analyzing markets and doing extensive research.

Even if a seemingly trustworthy and knowledgeable self-proclaimed “expert” does tell you that you should invest in X or Y cryptocurrency, you have neither the technical skills nor the business experience to evaluate whether or not that person really is a top expert.

However, one thing which is hard to argue is that a beginner probably doesn’t want to invest in a coin which has huge volatility and an unknown future, meaning that it only makes sense for you to invest in coins which are built on solid tech (a working product, agnostic tech, multiple/efficient programming languages), a strong team (social media presence, connections on LinkedIn, strong reputation, past successes with blockchain projects) and solid business plan (big market potential, limited competition, team with business experience) which holds long term value.

That’s when I got the idea of compiling this list of not just one expert’s opinion but instead ALL the ‘experts’ opinions of recommended coins to invest in with a focus on long term value. Note that some of the personalities mentioned below have more knowledge of than others when it comes to technical analysis/understanding of the technology/investing experience. Also note that I use the term “expert” lightly since it’s not like any of them have received qualifications from accredited institutions.
In addition I added several discussions on the topic of the best long term coins to hodl (if you’re new to this, hold means to buy hold onto long term) from various social media platforms.

If you can think of any notable personalities or experts who I’ve missed, then let me know in the comments below. Note that I’m not responsible for any losses which you may incur from investing, I’m simply informing you about the opinions of a variety of well known cryptocurrency personalities.

Here are some no-brainer tips before I present to you the top recommended coins:

Tip 1: Only invest what you can afford to lose

Tip 2: Use a website like CryptoSwim to see how someone’s recommended coins performed in hindsight but be weary that when the whole cryptocurrency market cap rises (as it has for the past 6 months), it’s almost inevitable for someone with a balanced portfolio to make money

Tip 3: Every expert has an incentive for you to invest in their coins since when you buy what they recommend, the price goes up and increases the value of their portfolio should they be holding those coins which they usually are.

So below I present to you my findings and although this could be used as a quick guide as to which coins you should invest in, I hope watching the videos and reading more on the topic encourages you to realize that you should always do your due diligence before investing.

(here is a Google doc with identical content as this steemit post which includes hyperlinks to all relevant channels/posts

James Clayton

Co-founder of Expanse (EXP)
Admin of CryptoCurrency Collectors Club - FB group with 33k likes
Owns a Porsche

Request to join CryptoCurrency Collectors Club for beginners to view his original post, below is the text from that post:

These are my favorite long-term cryptocurrency underdogs, in order of market cap.
They have already solved the scaling problems that Bitcoin and Ethereum have, Turing Complete, strong alliance in China and China is most of crypto and should not be underestimated. The first (serious) Crypto of China. They are up against Ethereum, but with the alliance in China and the tech, and the relatively low market cap I think they have a strong chance at great success in the long term. The rebranding should also help later as it did for Dash.
This is still new so an early favorite, but I really love this project. They are up against all the Hedge Funds, and they literally want the scientists to “manage all the money in the world.” The data results are very strong, I fully understand the system, and I think the odds of NMR going up massively in value is worth the risk. Some scientists are great at the predictive models and I do believe they will buy NMR and stake it to make fortunes in the future, if nothing else, this is a very exciting experiment and the potential is too great for me to miss out on it.
Seemingly just a silly project, this is one of the main cryptocurrencies of Japan and the first crypto of Japan. BTC/MONA ATMs are all over Japan, it is used as a currency. Lightning Network is being tested. Low Market cap and a strong community. I do not see this as some global currency, but the potential of it becoming huge in Japan is there. Halving is coming up shortly, a new Electrum lightweight wallet is being built and Lightning Network will handle scaling just fine.
#4 EXPANSE EXP (extra bias since he works there)
This is the project I am working on personally. We do not have the blockchain bloat problem of some projects, TX scalability is still something we need to solve, even though it is not an issue for us yet we plan on being a top project in the long run. We do have some of the most experienced Blockchain devs and we are also working on early concepts for a new way to scale Blockchain while remaining proof of work. We have lots of news coming, and we are the first stable Ethereum fork and by far the cheapest.

Ryan Lee

Youtube Channel with 13k subscribers

He doesn’t have a video with top 5 long term altcoins but every week he picks the coins which he thinks are the most promising over the next 3 to 6 months. Note that Ryan has one of the highest like to dislike ratio for his videos compared to any other Crypto Youtuber I’ve come across and is definitely one of my top 3 favourite crypto Youtubers.

In his most recent video he picked the following:


High Altitude Investing

YouTube Channel with 9k subscribers

He gives more detailed performance results from crypto investments than any other YouTuber I know. Check out his most recent Monthly Update where he also mentions the top 4 coins he’s most excited about for the next month and tells you exactly how much money he made.

Here are his top 10 picks for June


Ameer Rosic

YouTube Channel with 100k subscribers (not all crypto videos)

Focuses on problem that protocol of the coin is trying to solve. Strong leaning towards fundamentals of a coin, i.e. focus on long term.

Here is his two month old video explaining his choices


Trevon James

YouTube channel with 10k subscribers

Video from Jan 7th 2017


Crypto-Bit Brothers

Youtube Channel with 6k subscribers

Top 5 Cryptos Youtube Video



Youtube Channel with 6k subscribers

Top 5 Cryptos Youtube Video

1 Siacoin SC
Web storage cloud storage similar to Google Cloud and Amazon

2 Golem GNT
Worldwide supercomputer where users rent out computing time.

3 SysCoin SYS
Online marketplace similar to Ebay and Amzaon. Users buy and sell.

4 STEEM (Biased)
Social media platform where users get paid for posting content.

Young And Investing

YouTube Channel with 5k subscribers

Top 5 cryptos video from April 13th 2017

In order of best to worst:


Nugget News

Youtube Channel with 565 subscribers


Youtube Channel with 32k subs (but mostly gaming videos)

Video from May 30th


Boxmining, Ivan on Tech

Unfortunately neither of these channels have created any “Top Coins To Invest in” videos but I would be silly and feel crazy not to mention these guys because I have learned so much from them and they are highly respected among crypto Youtube viewers. Also noteworthy is that they both have 16k subscribers, they’re some of the top crypto Youtubers and certainly among the most liked. Here are their channels:

Reddit threads discussing best LT coins

Steemit threads discussing best LT coins









Quora thread discussing best LT coins

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