Headlines for the world of Cryptocurrencies - October 21, 2017

Cisco Proposed A Blockchain System to Track IOT Devices

The US Patent and Trademark Office recently released a blockchain application which Cisco Systems has submitted.

The application was an outlined blcokchain platform that could identify several connected devices, monitor their activity & measures the trustworthiness of the device when connected to the network.

The system will also be able to register and assess new devices automatically as they are added to the network.

It will also use LLNs or low-power & lossy networks which runs smart grid-type systems and might compose of sensors.

The proposed system goal is to improve the process of monitoring devices which is they key for the Internet of Things as per the concept's author.

Dash Added to Quoine Exchanges As Demand For Cryptos Increases In Asia

Japan's startup Quoine has recently added DASH coin to their exchanges Qryptos and Quoinex.

Dash will be available for trade in the exchanges against Japan yen, US dollar, Hong Kong dollar, Singapore dollar, Indonesian rupiah, Indian rupee, Philippine peso and Euro dollar.

The cryptocurrency will also be added to Liquid, Quione's liquidity platform which is set to launch next year that will allow traders around the world to access to major crypto and fiat pairs.

Quoine will also launch QASH token in November this year to power the Liquid platform.

The QASH ICO will make Quoine the first regulated exchange to hold the token sale in the world.

Funds raised will be used in the develoment and scaling of the platform.

Headlines for the world of Cryptocurrencies - October 20, 2017

Australia Double Taxation On Cryptocurrencies Is Coming To An End / Australian University Lets Students Earn ETH from Campus Purchases

Headlines for the world of Cryptocurrencies - October 19, 2017

Abu Dhabi Partners with Mastercard for an Improved Fintech Solutions in the Region / Playkey, A Cloud Gaming Solution to Launch a Decentralized Platform Powered by Blockchain / LocalBitcoins had 4x Increase in Bitcoin Trading Volume in Venezuela

Headlines for the world of Cryptocurrencies - October 18, 2017

Zcash Privacy Tech Integrated to JPMorgan's Quorum Blockchain / Microsoft Provides Blockchain Use for the U.S. Government / OKEx Bitcoin Exchange in Hong Kong Announced Support for Segwit2x Futures Market

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