Have you ever seen this kind of festive steamed bread? 这样的喜庆馒头您见过吗?

丰收 馒头.jpg

With the approaching of the footsteps of the Spring Festival, all families are busy cleaning up their houses, buying things for the new year, and preparing steamed bread.

In the north, especially in Dalian area, all kinds of steamed bread are steamed during the Spring Festival every year, especially those elder people. They play their imagination and express their good wishes with steamed bread.

Of course, Steamed Buns not only for the Spring Festival, but also can be used to worship ancestors , celebrate the elder’s birthday or the birth of the children , they can also be used for housewarming, children’s full moon and so on.

As long as there is something, people will use steamed bread to express their feeling. Have you ever seen these following the big steamed bread ? They are all good works of art, the color of the steamed bread is from plants , it can be eaten safely.

This is for the harvest , and people use this kind of steamed bread to express their joy from their hearts.


Birthday, people use this Steamed Bun to expresses the celebration of their birthday.



Best wishes for your new home, people would like to express their celebration with the Steamed Buns , they are vivid, exquisite works of art.


The steamed buns for celebrating the new year .


This morning I ate a big fish Steamed Bun, this big fish means happy all the year round and will be rich in the following year. So you see , this is our Chinese traditions, rich and colorful food culture.


随着春节脚步的临近,家家户户都要忙着收拾卫生,买东西过年,准备蒸大馒头了。在北方,在我们大连,每年的春节都要蒸一些各式各样的馒头,尤其是那些年老的手工艺人们, 更是发挥了他们的想象,把美好的祝福都用馒头表达了出来。

当然了, 馒头不仅仅用来过春节,还可以用来祭祀,乔迁,祝寿,小孩子满月等等,但凡大事小情的都会做些大馒头!下面的这些大馒头,您见过吗? 它们都是好吃的艺术品,馒头上面的颜色都是纯植物染色,完全可以吃的。





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