The most delicious waffles stuffed with marmalade and berries. Recipe and food photos by @Anna-Mi

Hello, my dear friends!


These delicious delicious and fragrant waffles are known all over the world. And surprisingly, in each country they have their own name. In Austria, they are called Vienna waffles. In Belgium, these waffles are known as Brussels waffles. In the US, they are called American waffles. Well, in Russia, of course, Russian waffles. In fact, I don't know who came up with this recipe first. But the result is simply magnificent! These waffles are my favorite treat. I used to buy them at the store. But recently my husband gave me a special waffle pan, and now I can bake these incredible waffles at home!


I like that these waffles can be combined with a variety of toppings and exercise your cooking imagination. So every time the taste is different and special. Today I want to offer you a recipe of waffles stuffed with marmalade. This is a real incomparable pleasure!


I remember these waffles from my childhood. Before in my country sold special flour mixture for the preparation of such treats. There were all the necessary ingredients, and we only needed to dilute the mixture with water. It was one of my first culinary experiences. Then I was about 12 years old, I guess. I persuaded my mom to let me cook these waffles in a big iron waffle maker. Then we did not have our own waffle maker, and I had to rent it from relatives. I did everything according to instructions, but the waffle was of course a little burnt. And yet they were delicious and special.And this first cooking experience remained in my memory for a long time.


Today I can say, is also the first experience of cooking waffles. Because this is the first time I've cooked them in a new waffle pan. This waffle maker is of course different from those I've seen before. It is a modern and comfortable machine. It all turned out perfectly the first time. So you still want to know the recipe? Certainly, in your country, too, prepare these waffles. Look, your recipe is similar to my Russian? Or do you have any special ingredients? Write in the comments, I would be interested to know about it.


Ingredients for the dough:

  • 3 eggs
  • 100 g flour
  • 2 spoon of sugar
  • 1 spoon of vanilla
  • 80 g butter
  • 2 spoons of milk
  • pinch of salt
  • baking powder 10 gr



1.Mix with a mixer the butter with egg yolks, sugar and milk.
2. To the resulting mixture add the flour and baking powder.
3. Add vanilla.
4. In a separate bowl whip the egg whites and salt.
5. Gently and slowly fold the egg whites into the batter.
6. In the waffle maker, put the dough and close it.
7. In a few minutes the waffles are ready.
8. Put them on a rack to cool.


While the wafers are cooling down, it's time to prepare marmalade cream for filling.



  • 2-3 large marshmallows,
  • 80 gr butter,
  • 2 spoons sour cream,
  • berry juice 1 scoop( today I have cranberry juice).



1. Heat the marshmallow in a water bath so it begins to melt.
2. Add butter to the marshmallow.
3. Remove from heat and add juice and sour cream.
4. Beat the mixture with a mixer.


Now you can make the filling in our waffles. This marshmallow cream holds its shape perfectly. It resembles the taste of a berry souffle. Take two waffles and place the stuffing between them. With a knife, make the filling smooth. Today I made too little of the cream. Therefore, some waffles had to be lubricated with caramel. But even with a simple filling their taste is incredibly pleasant! You can also decorate the waffles according to your desire. I put my waffles with powdered sugar and berries cranberries.



A wonderful dessert is ready! This is a great Sunday Breakfast solution for the whole family. The taste of these waffles is so pleasant and delicate that you want to enjoy it again and again. But usually waffles very quickly disappear from the table. So you need to prepare more servings! Bon appétit!


All photos are taken by me with Canon 650d camera. Natural light, 18/55 mm lens. I like my food photo shoot today! Photos turned out easy and pleasant. Well as the taste of these delicious waffles. I hope you like my pictures and recipes. Try to cook this for you and your family. Joint meals with homemade cakes are a great way to maintain a joyful and friendly atmosphere in the house. Nothing brings together better than a Cup of tea in a cozy kitchen with warm pastries and the aroma of home comfort.


Thank you for checking out my blog. Your voices and comments will make me happy! Enjoy life and don't worry about trifles. There is a new week ahead, filled with new opportunities and joyful moments. Don't miss them! I'll see you soon. @Anna-Mi


You can see more of my recipes here:



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