Exploring Valuable Steemit Treasure - #3 - Trance In Process and Ten Tastes - Day 3 Entry Week 3 SBBWAC

Hey Steem Fam,

Steemit amazes me more and more each day.


As my thoughts shift, as my emotions sway and swerve as a living, breathing part of life on Earth and beyond, Steemit matches me, shifting, swaying and swerving me down new pathways into its crevices and corners.

Today we'll feature two Steemians who both love trance music...

Trance in process...


Not that type of trance.

Trance music.

Trance dance music.

My newly remembered longtime love.

That I will soon be creating.

I was checking if #trancemusic or #trance-music were tags here on Steemit because I remembered during final edit that I was sharing my love for trance music but had not used any music tags.

So before I forgot, I stopped to check on those two tags mentioned above. And no, they didn't have their own set tags. Which is strange because there's quite a bit of trance music on Steemit.. so I'll have to research a bit more.

But while scrolling down a couple pages to make sure I wasn't missing the tags, I caught sight of this title, 'Trip Report & New Sound - Trance Music'.

So I clicked in, expecting to see a story about how this blogger took a trip and composed new trance music. But no, there was no music. And no write up about a trip.

Now the blogger had tried posting via DSound. And if you've followed my blog, my own audio recording uploads suffered the same failure. Well, his was better because there was a message that 'nothing was found' or some such.

Mine wouldn't even upload. Ever. Yet. ;)

My heart went out to him. Yes, I kind of assumed he was a guy.

So I clicked to his blog timeline to see if he had tried to upload the audio in a later post. And sure enough, he had.

There was a SoundCloud embed, sharing his music.

And what I also loved was the fact that he wasn't presenting it as 'done', finished music.

He said that it was a recording of where he had reached so far.

I LOVE that!

Work in progress.

Trance in process.

You can listen here:

The second Steemian featured today embedded ten different Youtube videos. I found this after I initially published this issue but liked the variety so much that I had to add it.

This selection will give you a taste of different trance sounds that you can quickly run through to see which ones you like... and don't like.

Meet Linda/@endorphoenix.

She shares a compilation of ten different trance music videos along with ten different situations in which she likes to listen to trance music.

A couple of them that I could totally relate to include her:

#3. Tidying up, cleaning or washing the dishes. Because it get's so much easier and faster!

#4. Working, because it somehow keeps me so much more concentrated, motivated and creative

#5. Dancing through my apartment and move after sitting on my Laptop for a while

#6. Feelings stuck inside me and need to come up as Trance music can make me very emotional in any direction. From crying to laughing to exploding of joy

#9. I need to relax after a hard day as it can put me in a meditative trance state that restores my energy and makes me feel calm and peaceful at the same time

#10. Doing sports as it pushes me and I really have more power and a better physical condition due to the pumping beat

How about listening to each and feeling whether it matches the title she puts it under?

For example, she has one for waking up the morning and getting going for the day.

I listened to it and it is very lively. Nice dance beat that would make me want to get up and take on the day.

If you listen to that one, does it make you feel that way too?

Or does another one suit you better for waking up happy and ready to take on the world?

Let Linda know. I know she'd love your feedback.

Here's Linda's 10 amazing Trance tracks and 10 situations that are so much better with Trance music to me post.

So, how was that?

How and what did you feel about the music while listening.

Did you also feel like you wanted to dance?

DID you dance a little?

Even sitting down?

What I find interesting about Linda's selections is that some of them have lyrics.

There was some talking in @made-u-look's audio but I couldn't hear it properly to tell you the truth, so I'm not sure if he was DJ'ing or not.

Do you prefer trance music with or without lyrics?

Share below and over at both @made-u-look and Linda/@endorphoenix.

Ok, we're at the end of today's 'Exploring Steemit's Valuable Treasure' journey.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Talk soon and Angel Blessings.


PS Would you like to drop by my currently solo Week 3 - 7-Day Steemit Biz Building Weekly Accountability Challenge. You'll find this post as my Day 3 entry.

Copyright @ Angela Chen Shui. Worldwide rights reserved.

Before you forget...

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  • Quick meaningful quotes with my often long, winding personal insights
  • End of Day Accountability Confessions
  • Exploring Steemit's Valuable Treasure
  • Quick Steemit Lessons
  • Fractal Art
  • Trance/Dance Music (upcoming)
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Check out my recent "Angela's Voice" posts - your comments, upvotes and resteems are welcome:

Exploring Steemit's Valuable Treasure - #1 - Fractal, Color, Responsibility

Exploring Steemit's Valuable Treasure - #2 - Special Single Edition - Stephen Hawking's Passing

Quick Steemit Lessons - #1a - Develop Post Series You're Passionate About

Quick Steemit Lessons - #1b - Examples - Develop Post Series You're Passionate About

Week 3 - 7-Day Steemit Biz Building Weekly Accountability Challenge

"Angela's Voice" On Steemit - Blog Post Archive - Weeks 1-5

Quick Steemit Lessons - #1c - More Examples - Develop Post Series You're Passionate About

Check out "Angela's Voice" On Steemit - Blog Post Archive - Weeks 1-5

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