Quick Steemit Lessons - #1a - Develop Post Series You're Passionate About

... and You'll Never Wonder What Topic To Blog, Record and/or Vlog About.

  • Figure out what you like to write or talk about
  • Develop series ideas as quickly as you can
  • Publish posts in every format that you can


Hey Steem Fam,

Inwardly I've sighed with pleasure many times since joining Steemit. I feel so free as a blogger on this platform.

I used to stick with my main work-related topic for many years. Sure, I'd always stray afield. But I'd heard that it's best to stick wiith a main niche and basically followed that.

On Steemit, with its inbuilt audience in every area of interest imaginable, I am filled with a sense of freedom. Now I basically write about what interests me, no matter what the topic is.

Since being on Steemit, I've remembered years-long desires and intentions to learn both fractal art and trance music creation.

Before I even knew the term 'trance music', I fell in love with it. Whatever it was called, and I truly did not know, it felt abstract and ethereal and intimate all at the same time.

I felt so drawn to it and drawn in by it that I resolved to learn how to make music like that.

As was usual back then though, and up until recently, I put it off in my mind to some time way in the future, say when I'm 145 or so and have more time to relax and learn new fun things.

Yep, very limited thinking. That's been transformed. As you'll see a bit later down.

Anyhoo, as an artist, I loved to paint abstract art. Looking back now, I'd say that at least half of my work was abstract.

What appealed to me with both fractal art and trance music (when I finally learned the name of the latter), was that they both FELT abstract.


Both are free and flowing and start one way then quickly run backwards. Or around a hidden corner.

Then they return, suddenly, sometimes sneakily, completely changed, dripping with the experience fully integrated and shining forth, proclaiming its evolution loudly even if silently.

Since joining Steemit with its many art forms and music contests, live online concerts and the creating of new music right before our eyes, yearnings to learn both fractal art and trance music are back full force.

So what would be even better than learning these two new things?

I know you know.

YES, that's right!

Writing and talking about them of course.

Now that I've enjoyed and explored a tiny itsy bitsy sliver of a corner of the Steemit universe, I know that I can not only publish on these two topics that I'll be exploring and learning for myself, but I can also reach out and meet and greet other Steemians already active in them.

That's like having a million pieces of wonderful dark chocolate hidden from you but all you need to do is to search them down, unwrap them slowly, lean back and slowly enjoy.

That's how my 'Angie Learns Fractal Art' series began. I was so excited, I wrote three posts quickly. And now I have to go write the next two or three.

There will also be a series about the process and experience of learning how to create trance music.

And my getting lost sometimes clicking around, being amazed and in awe of the breadth and depth of topics covered on Steemit?

Easy peasy.

I have three curation type series planned and launched the first a couple days ago.



  • you're waiting to get in to Steemit if you're not yet in and
  • while you click around once you're in, upvoting and commenting on posts published by your new Steemian family
  • allow your subconscious and conscious minds to work together to come up with series ideas you're excited about publishing.

Don't worry if it takes you a bit to think of even one. Thart with that one.

The others will be in there, cooking, and wil make themselves known in good time.

Just ensure you love the topics or at least have an extremely high interest in learning about them. You want this to be fun. Because the more fun it is, the more it will shine through and the more you'll attract your own unique audience here on Steemit.

Also, start listing out in your mind and on paper or in your favorite text editor all the ideas that pop up over the course of the next two to four weeks.

You will end up with several winners. You'll know which one to go with. One will shout and carry on or just sneak up on you. And you have to start writing because the words just start coming and you're afraid you'll forget them.

If it doesn't come whole and complete, save it with a possible title and create a graphic that feels like it describes the series title. While you are working on the graphic, you will also probably find that ideas for the article flow more.

Jot those in or write the whole sentences, paragraphs or whatever comes to you.

Keep each article fairly tight and not too long. But if it's flowing well, let it be. Yes, total contradiction!


Because I had not blogged for years, when I finally started publishing posts on Steemit they tended to be long.

Now I make a real effort to not go too long. I haven't added up the words but I'd guess each is now averaging about 500-600 words. Which isn't bad, length-wise.

I just checked. So far this one is 722 words up to the end of the last paragraph.

So if you are not yet writing/recording your posts in series around different topics or sub-topics of your main topic, you might find it a lot of fun to create in this manner.

That's how I published both non-fiction and fiction books on Amazon and now that I'm back to blogging, I enjoy continuing that habit I developed as a book publisher.

Do you publish posts in series format already? Which is your favorite? (I know, hard to choose between the children, right?) ;)

If you don't yet publish in series format, have you thought of a couple possibilities while reading this?

Would love to hear in the comments. And have fun and go forth and publish all your unending and shorter series.

Talk soon,


PS Remember what I said above about 'if it's flowing well, let it be'? On final edit, word says this went wayyyy beyond what it was supposed to... way beyond what I thought it would.

It's now 1001 words. Hmm.. I was going to add pictures. Now I must! Going back in.

PPS More now too... edited a bit more while inserting pics. ;)

Copyright @ Angela Chen Shui. Worldwide rights reserved.

Before you forget...

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Check out some of my recent posts - your comments, upvotes and resteems are welcome!:

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Daily Quotes Wisdom - Importance of Play In Relationships - Plato

End of Day Journal - Reflections and Accountability On How My Day Went - Friday, March 9, 2018

Guided Healing Meditation - #1 - Centering, Getting Clear and Seeing Next To Do Step Done

Week 2 - 7-Day Steemit Biz Building Weekly Accountability Challenge

Exploring Steemit's Valuable Treasure - #1 - Fractal, Color, Responsibility

Exploring Steemit's Valuable Treasure - #2 - Special Single Edition - Stephen Hawking's Passing

Check out some of my older posts -

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