April 13th -- Steemit Ramble #152 -- Curating Great Posts for You

Well, today is Friday the 13th. Often associated with bad luck and terrible happenings, many people become anxious about the date.

Not having to go anywhere today, I wasn’t too worried about it. I had way too much to get accomplished. Of which I got a fraction done. Some days go better than others.

Don’t forget to mark your calendar for Saturday, April 21st at 11am EDT. At that time the 2nd Witness / Community chat will take place on the Steemit Ramble Discord. All the witness and the community are invited to join in for this chat. The last one was well attending and gave a great opportunity for learning about the witnesses and interacting.

Onward to today’s rambling

Stencil Painting | Roses, Here Today Gone Tomorrow

@coloringiship contemplates the beauty and value of flowers in general and roses in particular and then goes on to share with us her process in creating a lovely sketch of roses. Nice work @coloringiship.

How to Stream on Dlive

The DLive app is picking up steam on the Steem platform. You can upload already prepared videos to it but the real value is the ability to livestream content. @gmuxx takes us through a tutorial on how to setup and use DLive, a much needed post.

Have you been using tags wrong this whole time?

@nicoleslife has written a good tutorial on how to use tags. Ironically, either she didn’t realize she’d written a tutorial or she didn’t notice there is a tutorial tag that would have been a good choice for her post. Nonetheless, the post is well written and covers the subject of tags pretty completely.

Canadian Kaleidoscope Polar Bear Silver Coin Giveaway!!

@thebugiq is offering up a rare opportunity to win a Canadian Kaleidoscope Polar Bear coin from the Canadian Mint. He’s running the raffle in support of @thealliance’s project.

A Big Oklahoma Howdy from Career Author, Norma Jean Lutz. Introduce Yourself

Not often that I come across an introductory post that catches my attention but this one did. @norma-jean is a published author who has decided to take on learning the STEEM platform where she plans on sharing about her own writing journey. I think this is a lady to follow and support.

Ever Discover Something Right Under Your Nose that You Didn't know Existed ?? Hidden Lake Right Behind our Home...

@robertandrew writes about a nature preserve practically on his doorstep he was unaware of during the 5 years he’s lived in the area. Wonderful to see undisturbed areas of nature so close by.

Haven't you heard? You Are What You Read

@onequality writes an excellent post on the importance of actually learning how to do what we undertake. If you don't know what makes up good fiction, learn before tackling it or get help. If you are not familiar with what makes a good photograph, then learn. We can read about anything we want to learn, and we should.

Snook Rap's for Bad Karaoke

You never really know what @snook is going to do next. So, I got wind that she was doing some Rap as part of her bad karaoke presentation and listened in. The result is funny… especially her commentary on the lyrics.

Join the Curation Trail

If you’d like to be part of supporting the posts that I curate, you can join my curation trail. What that means is if you are part of the trail, when I vote on a quality post, your votes will automatically follow me. The trail name is PathtoSuccess which is another of my accounts and the one where I read most of the posts shared here.

You’ll need to sign up at SteemAutoand I’d recommend you use SteemConnect when asked to give voting rights. That makes sure your keys are safe.

Once registered, the link to the curation trail is right here. You can set the percentage of vote you wish to use in the settings once you join the trail.

Nominate Your Favourite Post

With all the chaff that I end up trying to sift through each time I sit down to do the Steemit Ramble, I think it is time to give you dear reader an opportunity to nominate your favourite reads.

Just visit the Steemit Ramble Discord and post the link in the Nominate-A-Post Channel.

steemit ramble

As much as you may love your own post, I am really looking for someone else to say, “Hey, I like this post, have a look”. When I post a Steemit Ramble, that is what I’m telling my readers.

Earn A Share of the Post Payout

As you explore around the platform, you come across posts you really like and think others should see. Come to the Steemit Ramble Discord and share the link in the *nominate-someones-post channel. There are some rules:

  1. The post must be introduced by you.
  2. The post must be in English or have an English version.
  3. The post must not have been presented during PYPT.

I’ll review the post and if I use it in a Steemit Ramble, a portion of the SBD the post earns will be sent to you on payout.

Pimp Your Post Thursday

Don’t forget, Pimp Your Post Thursday takes place every Thursday at 11am and 7:00pm EDT. Come and join the fun.

Pimp Your Post Thursday

Until Next Time — Just Steem on

If you like this, please follow me and upvote the post.

If you’d like to see the other days I’ve posted, just visit my profile

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