Mar 29 -- Steemit Ramble #86 -- Don't You Hate Missing Good Posts?

So, the new hardfork will take place tomorrow (Thursday, March 30th). While there are some interesting changes going to take place, I’m not real impressed that we’ll need to start waiting for 7 days for our potential payout to be a payout and there will no longer be a second payout at 30 days.

I’m even less impressed to learn that there will be a twelve hour period at the end of the seven days to allow downvotes only on the post. OH, that is to stop some whale deciding to give the post a big upvote just before payout. How wonderful, instead we give some whale or others a 12 hour window to downvote the crap out of a post. What a wonderful benefit for the community.

As for the other changes, we’ll see how they work out. The separate comment reward pool is not happening nor is any changes to the rewards curve that would accomplish roughly what the arbitrary whale experiment is sort of doing. The change to the rewards curve is apparently being worked on, and will likely arrive with a future hardfork.

Onward to today’s rambling

Britain's Castles: Symbols of Military Might and Royal Control

@folke writes an interesting post on the castles of Britain and their place in history.

Today, I Feel Honoured. Today, I Feel Like A Steemian.

@son-of-satire announces he’s designed the new graphic on the Steemit welcome page. I like it, very creative. Now, if they’d just modernize the rest of the page. If I arrived there as a new visitor, I’d think I found a dead website or one that no one cared about.

The power and meaning of smiling

A great way to disarm someone is to smile, people who are unsure of you will respond to a smile must faster than a straight face. Smiles are usually seen as unoffensive and welcoming. Not all smiles are alike, @harferri explores the smile and the meaning behind them.

Cooking with Trump - A Comic

@mynameisbrian strikes again with one of his creative comments capturing the truths from life.

Title Weight and Up Votes - Posting

@jeff-kubitz writes about the importance of the title on your post. I scan through a lot of titles before I find the posts which I share in the Rambles. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen titles like “My First Post”… or “Poem” .. You get the idea. The title tells me nothing, does nothing to draw my attention and I just keep moving down the list.

Waking Up Fearless

@kimzilla writes about getting past fears and waking up fearless to face the world even when we’re not forced by demands on our time to get up and move.

Why Do We Yawn And Why Is It So Contagious?

Today @sirwinchester explores everything we’d ever want to know about yawning and why we yawn.

The Cost In Every Relationship

Every relationship has a cost in time, energy and effort. From the casual acquaintance to the romantic, a relationship requires increasing levels of cost. @doitvoluntarily writes about the costs of relationships.

Do You Have The Invisible Illness?

Mental illness is one of the most prevalent forms of illness around. It is also one of the most walled off and secretive illnesses for many reasons. From lack of cohesive methods of treatment, lack of understanding to the social stigma of admitting to struggling with mental illness of any kind.

If I break my leg, people understand that. They can see the cast and know that an xray confirmed the diagnosis and of course the patient has a story about what happened. If I am suffering with depression, people don’t really understand, don’t know how I can get depressed and often think it is something I can just ‘get over’ through force of will.

@hearyourmind writes on the topic of mental illness and the struggles of gaining understanding.

Historical Architecture of Istanbul

So many headlines about Turkey these days talk about the turmoil in that ancient country. On the other side of the coin, Turkey is home to some very ancient history and architecture. @jelkasmi shares some of that with us, including some beautiful photos.

AI "Artificial Intelligence" or "Alien Intelligence"

I’ll wrap this up today with something to get you pondering. @mattthought explores the topic of Artificial Intelligence and the many variables our own intelligence contains. If we create AI with purely rational knowledge is that artificial intelligence or do we need to include the irrational variables we humans struggle with? If the irrational variables are included does that make it Artificial Intelligence or Alien Intelligence? He provides some interesting comparisons to add to the equations and to for you to ponder.

Wrap-up on Day #86

I saw someone comment on one of the chat channels today about so many posts being written about Steem & Steemit. The person had a point, do you see a bunch of posts about Facebook or Twitter on Facebook or Twitter? Not really. I am finding a lot of repetitive posts about Steem and Steemit. Most I’m just passing by looking for a range of topics.

Supporting and Upvoting

Let’s not forget folks. I’m sharing these posts not only because I like them. I’d really like to see them get support and upvoting.

Please Join the Curation Trail

If you’d like to support the posts I find and upvote while searching for the Ramble shares, please join my Curation Trail on Streemian

Until Tomorrow — Just Steem on

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