September 17 -- Steemit Ramble #121 -- Curating Great Posts for You

Midway through September already. Unbelievable. This week has been a week I have been able to do a lot of focusing on writing and learning even more about the Steemit site.

There are a lot of great projects going on. Keep exploring out there folks.

Back several editions of the Ramble ago, I introduced a user, @pathtosuccess, as a friend of mine. Well, after some thought, I think I need to fess up here. @pathtosuccess is my account that I created to post another series of posts on.

The series is called Coffee Time Meditation. I choose a quote for the day, research the author, and write a meditation on the quote. I am going to start sharing them in the Ramble. I hope you find them of value to you.

Today’s Coffee Time Meditation:

Coffee Time Meditation #17 -- Sept. 17th

This past Thursday night an interview with me was played on @ma1neevent’s show on MSP Waves Radio. I posted this post yesterday to let my readers hear the interview.

This past Tuesday, if she was still with us, my maternal grandmother would have been 121 years old. I was very fond of her. I wrote a post sharing some of the funny stories I remember about her. If you read on down into the comments, you’ll find an extra one.

Onward to today’s rambling

Bellyrub NOW has 450,000 STEEM POWER come get your votes now!

If you are going to use a upvote bot, you want to be sure it is a bot that actually has Steem Power to provide upvotes of value. @zeartul has been working with thealliance on discord as well as other projects. He would appreciate your witness vote, you’ll need to write in his name on the witness vote list as he’s not in the top 50 yet.

There are a lot of small accounts out there who want to be an upvote bot and they want you to send a small about of SBD to them so they will upvote you.

You need to check how much SteemPower they have before you send them anything. IF they have delegated power, it needs to have a plus in front of the amount not a minus.

🔁DAILY🔁 📈Crypto-Guess📉 Contest! (091617)

If you like contests, guessing games and crypto, then you’ll like this one. It runs daily so you’ll want to follow @killerwhale and check the profile daily for the latest contest.

👉👉Featured Member:👈👈 🌎@phelimint👀

While #thealliance has showcased @phelimint as one of their members you can also find him on the PAL discord server as part of #teamcanada and also the Steem Silver Gold Server. I’ve talked to him a few times, real standup fellow and a nice post about him.

Zappl Open Beta Postponed Till Sept 22 - 25th

@zappl has given notice there will be another delay on the release of the open Alpha version. There is an individual who is trying to raise red flags about the project. I have seen him in Steemspeak going on about it and in comments on @zappl’s posts.

Personally, the only red flag the guy is raising with me, is about him as a witness. His approach may be well meaning, but, it is rather bullying. If he doesn’t want to comply with providing the private firm with the info they want on an NDA then he doesn’t get the answers he wants until everyone else does.

Also, in the process of watching this, I learned there are several people who I have a lot of respect for on Steemit who have been participating in the private Alpha and testing out it out. They are very pleased with the functionality and the work the developer(s) has put into it. That works for me, looking forward to the release when they get their issues sorted out.

Schoolhouse Saturday by A Panama Mama - Homeschooling Intro

@apanamamama writes about homeschooling kids in Panama. Homeschooling is becoming very popular in a lot of countries. I’ve been hearing about it more and more in this rural area I live in.

How a smile can change your day

@kyrios shares with us the pleasure he experiences after a long and tiring day to come home to big beautiful smiles from his little one. I think we can all relate to that feeling. A warm smiles is better than a heating pad for relieving stress.

Amazon Deleting 1-Star Reviews Of Hillary Clinton's Book In Seemingly Unrecognized Irony - "It’s not our role to decide what a customer would view as helpful or unhelpful in making their decision."

It wasn’t the politics in this post of @lexiconical that caught my attention. Yes, there are politics at play here. BUT, what caught my attention was the rather clear and unambiguous reporting of Amazon messing with their rating system that is supposed to be a trusted way of evaluating a book you wish to purchase.

I have come across authors in writers groups I’m part of who have had their Amazon accounts shut down because of accusations of gaming the rating system and here is Amazon doing it themselves. There was more than a little irony at play here.

Artexplosion Motion contest

@andrewgenaille draws some interesting and often amusing comics on Steemit. I don’t always get them, but I like this one. I appreciate his style so I check him out regularly.

My rain dance

This is another of @andrewgenaille’s that I really enjoyed. Really appreciated the humour in it so it’s been sitting in my queue waiting for me to get a Ramble done.

Wrap-up on Day 121

I think I found a nice variety of posts to share this round. Some of them had been sitting in my browser for a day or so as I was tied up on some other stuff. That is one thing I like about the one week voting period, I can come across a post a day or two after it is posted and you can still give it some upvote support, not to mention me upvoting.

Still Pending Posts

I hope you enjoyed reading my post. Below are the posts still pending payout as of the time of the writing. I invite you to visit the posts and upvote them if you like them:

September 10 -- Steemit Ramble #119 -- Curating Great Posts for You
September 12 -- Steemit Ramble #120 -- Curating Great Posts for You
Mischief Making Granny
@shadowspub Interviewed by @ma1neevent for MSP Waves Radio

Supporting and Upvoting

Let’s not forget folks. I’m sharing these posts not only because I like them. I’d really like to see them get support and upvoting.

Nominate Your Favourite Post

With all the chaff that I end up trying to sift through each time I sit down to do the Steemit Ramble, I think it is time to give you dear reader an opportunity to nominate your favourite reads.

Just visit the Steemit Ramble Discord and post the link in the Nominate-A-Post Channel.

This is NOT an invite to SPAM!

As much as you may love your own post, I am really looking for someone else to say, “Hey, I like this post, have a look”. When I post a Steemit Ramble, that is what I’m telling my readers.

Once you’ve shared someone else’s post, you’ll be given access to a channel where you can share your own posts for me to consider them. It’s only fair for you to have the chance.

Please Join the Curation Trail

If you’d like to support the posts I find and upvote while searching for the Ramble shares, please join my Curation Trail on Streemian

Until Tomorrow — Just Steem on

If you like this, please follow me and upvote the post.

If you’d like to see the other days I’ve posted, just visit my profile

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