My Life as a Boat Dog (The True Story of a Dog Who Sailed the Ocean w/His Humans... and some Cats)



Hey, you. Don't act like you can't see me. I'm over here, behind the cat. I'm the pretty one (but don't tell the cat I said that, she gets kinda pissy about things like that. I just pretend to be dumb most of the time so she doesn't bite my head off. I am hoping someday we can be friends, so just be super nice to her, okay?)


My name is Tiberius and this is a story about when I lived on a boat with my humans (and the aforementioned cat, Tempest)

This is my bed, or rather my room. Cabin, if you must. I'm forced to share this small room with two of my humans, which makes for come very cramped sleeping quarters, but there is only so much room on a boat and if I let them sleep out on the deck, I'd have to be running up there every 5 minutes to make sure that they didn't fall overboard.


Here I am, standing on the pilothouse. Other than climbing the mast (which my lack of thumbs won't allow anyway), this is the uppermost watching spot on our floating home. I spend many hours up here, watching for interlopers and trespassers. I'll admit that the life of a boat dog is fairly quiet most of the time, though. There aren't many problems with people trying to sneak up on our abode.


Twice a day I take my humans to shore for our daily exercise. We take the miniature boat to shore (or the kayak, if it's available) and play, walk, fetch or sometimes even cook on the beach. It's quite the nice life, I must say.


This is the look I give my humans when I need them to get with the program and throw my ball or my Frisbee. The female human especially likes to hold the phone up and repeatedly take photographs of me. I try to keep watch so that she doesn't catch me unawares, but it's rather difficult since she seems to have that thing handy all the damn time. Anyway, here is a photo in which I think I look particularly stunning. Don't you agree?


The humans are inescapably lazy, though and manage to avoid nearly all exercise by just throwing the ball or the frisbee out into the ocean for me to retrieve. Since I don't mind the workout and I at least want to stay in tip top shape, I'm happy to let them do that for me. There have been a few times that I tried to make them go fetch for me, but the lazy bastards just chose to load us all up and take the miniature boat to go out and get it. It's ridiculous, I tell you.


If you look closely, you can join me in looking out upon my ocean home as she sits at anchor, patiently awaiting our return.


Day #46 of the @freewritehouse selfie contest!



If you're interested in the cat's perspective on boat life, you can check out her posts here. She's much more prolific at the writing thing. As a cat, she seems to have a lot more to say on a regular basis.



My Real Life posts:



An Unlikely Love Story

The 3 Day Engagement: Our Real Life Crazy Love Story

The Wedding Day: Part 1


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Photos are mine except where they are credited to their source under the photos. Crossposted to my Medium Blog

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