Japanese Sushi日本寿司


Dear steemians,
This is Japanese food Sushi which I ate in Dalian edomae Japanese restaurant. Sushi is one of the traditional Japanese delicacies. The main material is sushi vinegar flavored with fish, seafood, vegetables and egg ingredients such as rice and vegetable rolls, it is delicious and tasty. Now it not only loved by Japanese people but also the people around the world.

These are five sushi rolls, a baked crab sushi roll, Eel Sushi, Crab Sushi Rolls and Po Eel Sushi Rolls. They really taste delicious and make you unforgettable . I hope that my food today can make you hungry and happy a whole day.

Thanks for your reading and don’t forget to give me your surpport .

这是我在大连日本料理店江户前吃的日本寿司,寿司是日本传统美食之一。主要材料是用寿司醋调味过的再加上鱼肉,海鲜,蔬菜或鸡蛋等作配料的饭团,其味道鲜美,现在不仅受到日本人民的喜爱, 也深受世界各地其他民族人民的喜爱。

这是五个寿司卷,有炙烤蟹棒寿司卷,鳗鱼寿司卷,蟹棒寿司卷 和蒲鳗鱼寿司卷,味道鲜美,令人难忘。我希望我今天的美食,能让您心情愉悦,胃口大开。

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