Books, Books & Dbooks: New Curation Starts Next Week

Image Source- Pexels

New Publishing On The Steemit Platform: Dbooks

In case you haven't heard @timoshey has started a whole new way to get published on the steemit platform. See his post Say Hello To DBooks: A Book Publishing Platform On STEEM - Publish Your Books And Earn to learn more about this application written in Javascript.

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As soon as I saw his post I knew three things I had to do:

  1. Promote it (doing right now)
  2. Curate the authors and people posting their books/chapters (starting a new curation day this coming week)
  3. Maybe bring some of my own previously published books to this platform (need to start up my old laptop with the files and do some editing)

But for right now, let's talk Dbook.

Yesterday @spiritualmax wrote a post Publish a book on STEEM: I did it, here's how and after reading it, I have to agree with @spiritualmax about the advancement of the application. I have peeked in on the Dbooks' website just to check it out and am hoping for more features and am thrilled that I will be able to get books here. As an avid reader and book nerd, I am constantly reading fiction (only certain genres) and tons of non-fiction. If I find an author I like, I will seek out most of their printed works.

@ben.zimmerman has already started posting to dbooks. See the first in his chapters, Treats in the Basement here. As you can see, there are some flaws in the formatting. Not sure if it's application or user error. But it is something to watch and consider if you are planning on posting your own chapters on Dbooks.

Dbooks is a collaboration of @feekayo and @timoshey

Curation Day For Books & Reading Coming

As I stated earlier in this post, I will be doing a weekly curation post starting next week; this is just an introduction to Dbooks and my expected books and reading post.

If you happen to see a GREAT book through Dbooks, please let me know so I can check it out. I am a ferocious reader and lover of all things publishing.

I am really looking forward to seeing the fiction and non-fiction books/chapter that will soon hopefully start flooding the tag in steemit. I will start doing some honest reviews on some of the posts/chapters I hope also. Authors love feedback and reviews and adding this feature to my weekly curation will perhaps help the writers get some more traffic, visibility and recognition.

See this past week's curation posts below

Curation Schedule

Dbooks, reading and books curation will be either Wednesday or Thursday.


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