Understanding the Deep State: How unmasking facilitates the felonious dissemination of classified information.


Is there an exception in the law for current or former US officials who request anonymity to release classified information?

  • Is there an exception in the current classified information statute that exempts reporters from publishing classified information?

  • How would reporters know about the existence of intercepted phone calls?

  • About a transcript?


Masking is removing the names of US persons to protect their privacy unless it hits certain exceptions

Unmasking resides with those agencies that collect the information.

James B. Comey, then FBI Director


The felonious dissemination of classified information most definitely is a crime.

We, the American people, give certain powers to the government to keep us safe & when those powers are misused; the motive is not criminal investigation or national security......that US citizen could be you.

Trey Gowdy

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