Hanging challenge - rewards for EVERYONE!! Let's keep our shoulders healthy!


Rewards for all participants!


Have you already seen this hanging challenge videos on Youtube? It's not as easy as it sounds!


Hanging is probably the healthiest thing we can do to keep our shoulders healthy. They are made for it. Shoulder is one hell of a tool. It allows the widest range of movements of all our joints. It's a joint king of our body. Therefore we should take care of it! Hanging is more and more implemented as a tool to heal shoulder injuries. In the past, it helped me with my rotator cuff as well.

Odmena pre kazdeho!


Videli ste uz na Youtube v poslednych dnoch stale viac popularnu hanging challenge?


Visenie je najzdravsia vec co mozeme pre nase ramena robit. Su na to usposobene a my sme na to uplne zabudli. Rameno je kral vsetkych klbov v nasom tele. Len si uvedomte, kolko stupnov volnosti ma! Preto by sme sa onho mali starat. Vis sa pouziva aj pri lieceni vsetkych moznych zraneniach ramena, mne pomohol v minulosti napr s rotatorom manzety.

Challenge rules

Hmm I'm wondering how to prevent myself from going bakrupt haha. Let's to it like this:
  • 1st place gets 0.15 SBD
  • 2nd place gets 0.1 SBD
  • All other participants get 0.03 SBD
  • Just in case: Only first 20 submissions get rewards

Rewards are small but remember that you're doing it for yourself and biggest rewards are your healthy shoulders!

You can submit your video as own post, just let me know in the comment section so I can find it. You don't need to be my follower or even like this post to be eligible for rewards :)

Also, I'm particularly challenging @liltammy to take part ;)

Thanks for reading!

Pravidla vyzvy

Hmm rozmyslam ako sa uistit ze nezbankrotujem :D Spravme to teda takto :
  • Prve miesto dostane 0.15 SBD
  • Druhe miesto 0.1 SBD
  • Vsetci ostatni dostanu 0.03 SBD
  • Len pre istotu: rewards dostane len prvych 20 ludi :D

Odmeny su malicke ale pamatajte, ze to robite pre seba a najvacsia odmena su vase zdrave ramena!

Video mozte postnut ako vas vlastny post, len mi dajte do komentov vediet kde to najdem. Nemusite ani byt moj follower alebo lajkovat post aby ste sa mohli zapojit :)

Taktiez by som chcel osobne vyzvat na tuto challenge @liltammy ;)

Dik za precitanie!


Image source

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. [My 3 months in Pakistan #3] Northern areas
  2. [DLIVE] - My current calisthenics skills
  3. My worst coffee art fail ever.. I couldn't believe my eyes! :D
  4. Why are emotions and flexing biceps connected
  5. Introducing my partial weight UPVOTING TOOL for minnows with less than 500 SP :) Easy setup!

My video is at DLive

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