Emotions, flexing bicep and connection between them / Emocie, zatinanie bicepsov a ako to spolu suvisi


Hello everyone! This is my input into our topic of the week series which we're running in #cesky tag. This week, the topic is - emotions.

Metaphor to start with

I'm not even sure how to physiologically define emotions. But I've came up with a nice metaphor. There are 3 muscle types in our body - smooth, skeletal and cardiac. The first one, we can't contract on will. The second one, we can. Regarding the cardiac muscle - that one doesn't fit into my metaphor so let's just forget it for now :) If I see a nice girl walking down the street, I flex my bicep and puff my chest out. Those are the skeletal muscles. And then there are those which work and contract on their own. Organs, intestines etc..Well, there's a similar situation going on in our brain. There are 2 "muscle" types as well - emotions and thoughts.


Oh boze, co ja tu len mam teraz napisat :D Emocie..Tema, ktoru tak poctivo na sebe skumam a zaroven sa jej, ked mi to vyhovuje, velmi obratne vyhybam.

Metafora na uvod

Rozmyslam, ako emocie definovat z fyziologickeho hladiska. Neviem, takym veciam nerozumiem :) Napadla ma ale celkom zaujimava analogia. Kvazi tiez z tohto fyziologickeho odvetvia. V tele mame 3 typy svalstva. Hladke, priecne pruhovane + srdcovy sval. Jeden typ ovladat vieme, druhy nie...a ten treti srdcovy, ten mi nejak do tejto metafory nezapada, tak nanho proste zabudnime :) Ked ide pekna baba, tak zatnem bicaky a vypnem hrud. To su priecne pruhovane svaly. Tie ktore ovladame. No a potom su tam tie druhe, tie ktore pracuju "autonomne" bez nasej pomoci. Tzv. hladke svaly. Podobnu situaciu mame aj v hlave. Taktiez 2 typy "svalov" - myslienky a emocie.

And now, we just need to pair them / No a uz ostava ich len priradit. Easy :)

That's at least my take on the situation. Emotions are smooth muscles of our brain. They do whatever the fuck they want to do and we gotta accept it.

But how to flex my bicep, if emotions don't allow me to?

Hmm that title might be a liiitle bit too much, but lemme explain. We've already defined our thoughts as a skeletal muscles. Those are e. my bicepses....Wow, I like that one, it's worth a quote :D
"Thoughts are like my biceps" - MatkoDurko

This one will be once written in history books, no doubt :) Back to the topic. So we have our thoughts and we can trigger them on will. We play with them from the very early morning till we go to sleep. Even dreams are our thoughts..But we actually don't trigger those on will...ok dreams also don't fit into my metaphor, so let's forget those as well :)) So let's agree we have a control over our thoughts But what if emotions (smooth muscles) are opposite to our thoughts? What if I want to flex my bis but my emotions don't agree? What if you want to stay with your current partner, but the feelings are not there? There are many examples but they all have one thing in common - it's not an ideal situation.

How to make situation better?

It's difficult :D Thoughts and emotions overlap and effect each other. And it's not even defined which is the right one. There are dor sure hundreds of books in this topic. I personally usually try to decide based on the rational thoughts. I'm based on my left hemisphere. If it's right though, noone knows. I imagine an overlap of emotions and rational thoughts like this. What about you people? Do you base your decisions on emotions? Or do you always calm down first and think it all through?

Tak je...teda aspon tak to vidim ja. Emocie su hladke svaly v nasom mozgu. Robia si co sa im zachce a my sa musime prisposobit.

Ako ale napnut bicaky, ked to emocie nechcu dovolit?

Hmm, nadpis je mozno trochu prehany, neviem ci ste ho uplne pochopili. Rozviniem...Myslienky sme uz definovali ako priecne pruhovane svaly. To su napr. bicaky...ohh to znie dobre, to treba dat do quotes :D
"Myslienky su moje bicaky" - MatkoDurko

Dufam, ze toto bude raz v ucebniciach :) Spat ku teme. Proste mame myslienky, ktore vieme ovladat. Denne ich omielame v hlave odkedy sa zobudime az dokym nezadpime. Vpodstate este aj tema zpred par tyzdnov - SNY, su myslienky. Aj ked tie zrovna vzdy neovladame...hmm to mi nesedi do metafory, takze na to tiez zabudnime :)) Dohodnime sa, ze myslienky vieme ovladat. Co ak ale nase emocie (hladke svalstvo) niesu v sulade s nasimi myslienkami? Co ak chcem napnut bicaky, no emocie mi to nechcu dovolit?. Co ak chcem s partnerom zostat nadalej, no emocie mi vravia, ze nie. Prikladov by bolo habadej, no jedno maju spolocne - nie je to idealna situacia.

Jako zidealizovat situaciu?

Tazko :D Myslienky a emocie sa nam v hlave prekryvaju a navzajom ovplyvnuju. Este horsie je, ze nie je pevne stanovene, ktora z tych dvoch "entit" je spravna. Isto o tom bolo napisanych aj kopu knih. Tu sa ponuka otazka aj pre Vas, citatelov (ak vobec nejaki su) - ked chcete napnut bicaky, no emocie vam vravie ze nie, napnete? Ja osobne, ich vacsinou zatnem. Snazim sa byt v zivote racionalny a riadim sa viacou lavou hemisferou. Ci je to spravne, nikto nevie..Mozno mi niekto zo zivotne skusenejsich poradi...kazdopadne, moje rozhodovanie vyzera nejak takto:

Strength of emotions

I often question if basing decisions on rational thinking is the correct way to go. Almost kind of wasting energy. E.g. let's take a look at anger. It's a heavy and superstrong emotion. It can be bad and desctructive - as it often is. But if managed correctly, it can be utilized or? There's a saying that goes:
Fire is a good friend but a bad enemy
If we correctly handle anger, it can be useful. Had some professor some ironic remarks towards my code quality? In my mind immediately plays this scenario: double leg takedown, side control, mount, armbar. V hlave vidim double leg takedown -> side mount -> mount -> armbar. I want to do him bad. But instead, I redirect my anger and re-learn those things so it doesn't happen again. I sometimes wonder what would happen if my Venn diagram would look like this :)

Sila emocii

Casto sa vsak sam seba pytam, ci to nieje "plytvanie". Emocie su obrovsky zdroj energie. Svojim sposobom. Napr hnev o ktorom pisala @pipiczech aj @jjprac. Uz len z ich postu je citit, ze znicoho nic, mali v sebe viac energie. Energia to je sice negativna, no pri spravnom zaobchadzani vie byt vsetko uzitocne. Ved nie nadarmo sa hovori ze
Ohen je dobry sluha ale zly pan.
Ak hnev spravne pouzijeme, vie byt uzitocny. Mal dnes profak na hodine nejake ustipacne poznamky k mojmu nie idealnemu kodu? V hlave vidim double leg takedown -> side mount -> mount -> armbar. To bola jiu-jitsu referencia, nevsimajte si :) No proste mu chcem ublizit. Ale miesto toho moj hnev presmerujem. Ked prijdem domov, tak sa veci doucim aby sa to nabuduce nestalo. Niekedy by som ale chcel, aby som to mal v hlave nastavene takto :)

That would cause some interesting times in the class / To by bola v triede este len "podivana" :D


Hmm I went compleeetely offtopic compared to how I planned out this pot :D. Also, I didn't really come up with anything new I guess. But yeah, the emotions are superstrong tool if we learn to use them and do not let them to use us. At this point I write a tiny word play in Slovak langugae version, which would obviously make no sense in English. So I'm calling it a day :) But don't worry, you got all the content.

Thanks for reading!


Vpdstate som UUUUPLNE odbocil od temy aj od toho co som planoval pisat. Ku comu som teda dospel? Mentalne sa este stale necitim byt dospely, preto necitim povinnost dospiet k nicomu :) Ved predsa odtoho sa dospelaci volaju dospelaci, ze vedia k niecomu aj dospiet, ci? :D Kazdopadne su emocie velka cast nasich zivotov. Mozu byt velmi uzitocnym nastrojom, pokial ich mame pod kontrolou. No ked maju pod kontrolou oni nas, vie to narobit neplechu.

Dik za precitanie!

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