ALLNIGHTER - JOIN ME on my yesterday's no-sleep programming night experience


Ok, this is probably absolutely counter-productive and is exactly something I shouldn't be doing. But yeah, I guess I need at least something to look forward to during the next cca 10 hours...

I'm meeting my thesis supervisor at 2pm and haven't managed to do everything I've promised. So there's a nice little all-nighter ahead of me :) Hope to keep this "life-stream" brief, wish me luck!


Feeling relatively good, missing that tiredness after workout since I haven't had one today. But yeah, sadly no time for it today. Also had just 2 coffes during the day so I feel I have some more space there! Doing good, feeling good...


Shit doesn't want to work, progress is slower than expected...Getting some more caffeine to bloodstream


Last man standing, everyone else went already to bed...


Feeling good, stuff starting to slowly cooperate...Post Malone and some dancehall in my ears on loop...

Ayy, I've been f@#$in' hoes and poppin' pillies
Man, I feel just like a rockstar (star)


Ayy, I've been writin' code and poppin' coffees
Man, I feel just like a rockstar (star)


Last coffee of the day...or actually the first one? :D


Need to move a little bit - 15 minutes break for quick handstand session..Also going to grab some stupid can of cola, just to get that nice insulin rush which could hopefully keep me going for the next hour..



Suupertired....what comes after insulin pump? Well, insulin dump :) That's why sweets are bad..


Pleeease sun stop!! I'm not done yet! Stop, stop, stop..



Please just 2 hours...


Grind continues..


Time's up, let's do this!

Thanks to @evecab for introducing me to @dlive :) Osss!

Spoiler alert: Meeting went great and supervisor is happy with my work! "Nice job Martin, I can see you've put a lot of work into this!"

Thanks for reading!

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. Introducing my partial weight UPVOTING TOOL for minnows with less than 500 SP :) Easy setup!
  2. SUNRISE ABOVE THE TOWN - I went for early morning run and this is how it looked like
  3. My Curie story - how fairy visited me overnight
  4. [My 3 months in Pakistan #1] Flight, soccer on toilet, RAMADAN surprise + 16 PICS
  5. DROPSHIPPING mania. How people passively earn thousands of $$$ and why I find it DISGUSTING...!!
  6. [Crypto data science #1] Programmatical analysis of 200k bitcoin tweets BEFORE and AFTER correction
  7. Mother tongue version

    Ok toto je pravdepodobne presne to co by som nemal robit a je to uplne kontraproduktive. Nejdem spat lebo nestiham...a potom ma napadne, ze mozem o tom real-time pisat? Uzasne Martin.. Ale proste potrebujem aspon svetielko zabavy v najblizsich cca 10 temnych hodinach..

    Zajtra o druhej poobede mam stretnutie s veducim mojej diplomovky a nejako som nestihol spravit vsetko co som slubil. Takze ma caka dlha noc bez spanku :) Dufam, ze mi tento "live-stream" nezaberie vela casu, drzte mi palce!


    Citim sa poho, trosku mi chyba taka ta poworkoutova unava (na cvicenie dnes nie je cas :/ ), ale to je vlastne v mojej situacii momentalne dobre. Pocas dna som mal len dve kavy, cize tam sa este nejaka robota vmesti :) Zatial vvsetko vpohode...


    Ohhh nic nefunguje, vsetko ide pomalsie ako som ocakaval...Treba dostat kofein do obehu....


    Posledna bdela osoba na byte, vsetci ostatni uz sli spat...


    Zatial vsetko vpohode, zacina sa mi darit...Post Malone a nejaky dancehall mi hra na sluchatkach dookola..

    Ayy, I've been f@#$in' hoes and poppin' pillies
    Man, I feel just like a rockstar (star)


    Ayy, I've been writin' code and poppin' coffees
    Man, I feel just like a rockstar (star)


    Posledna kava dna...alebo vlasnte prva?


    Musim sa trochu ponatahovat - 15 minutova pauza na rychle stojky na prebratie..Tiez si asi dam plechovku koly, len cisto kvoli inzulinovej pumpe, dufam ze mi pomoze pocas dalsej hodiny..



    Brutal unaveny....po inzulinovej pumpe prichadza vzdy co? Inzulinovy dump :) Preto netreba jest keksiky :D


    Slnkooo este nie prosim...ja este niesom hotovyyy!!



    Prosim len 2 hodky...


    Trapenie pokracuje..


    Cas vyprsal, podme na to!

    Vysledok: Meeting bol super a veduci je velmi spokojny s mojou pracou :D Vraj je vidiet, ze som si na tom dal zalezat :D

    Dik za precitanie!

    My video is at DLive

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