This is an experimental live curation for the Sustainability Curation Digest for MSP - week ending 15 July 2018.
The top 5 posts selected for this Sustainability Curation Digest are :
2 Minutes with the Farmer : Goat Economics 101 by @bowentroyer
Wild Seed Vault Collection - Is it OTT / Obsession? by @eggmeister
Economic and Environmental Incentives For A Sustainable Household by @ecoswell
Butternut Squash & Cinnamon Bread Twists - Soft & Nutritious! (Original Recipe) by @woman-onthe-wing
While compiling this Digest I had four more very good posts on the shortlist that didn't quite make it through to the final selection. These are definitely worth checking out as well :
Grafting Fruit Trees Using a Wedge Graft (Complete Guide) by @naturealwysright
Let's talk winter squash...the ultimate annual survival food...oh and carrots too, of course by @mepatriot
The Minnow Support Project has multiple curators that pick five posts from under-valued minnows each week to highlight through MSP3k. This way MSP and PAL can promote new writers and content creators on Steemit, and in effect reward them for doing a superior job.
My live stream is at DLive