Traveling the World with Travelgirl - Fiji Special


Hi Steemians,

Today I would like to take you back to our Fiji trip last year where we stayed at the Intercontinental Resort. The resort was just fabulous and the whole family had a great time! It had a really nice beach, great pools and fantastic food. As some of you already know, we are going back to Fiji this year (not to the same resort) so lets me take you to some of the areas around the Intercontinental Resort.

Hope you guys like it :)

今天我想帶你們回到我上年到斐濟的一些片段。我們住在 Intercontinental Resort 而這間酒店真的非常棒,我們全家都玩得非常開心。這間酒店有一個非常好的沙灘,很好的游泳池和吃的也很好水準。有些人知道我今年很快就到斐濟旅行但住的是另外一間酒店,所以去之前想跟大家分享 Intercontinental Resort 一點環境和設施.


!steemitworldmap -18.1084662 lat 177.3218260 long d3scr

Thanks for reading. If you like my post, please follow, comment and upvote me. There will be more exciting posts & destinations to come.

謝謝你們收看。 請你們繼續跟隨,留言和投我一票 👍. 我會分享更多遊記和其他有趣的 blog.

All photos & videos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories unless quoted. 每張相片和視頻都是我們自己拍的 📷

Below are some of my previous posts:

Travelgirl's Diary [14] - Travelgirl 的日記 [14]

New Shanghai Restaurant @ Chatswood, Sydney - 新上海 @ Chatswood, 悉尼

Travelgirl's Diary [13] - Travelgirl 的日記 [13]

Steemit Meetup in Sydney - Bavarian Bier Cafe @ Sydney, Australia

Museum of Contemporary Art @ Sydney, Australia (Part 2)

Museum of Contemporary Art @ Sydney, Australia

Traveling the World #96 (Australia Series) Carnarvon Bay, Tasmania

The Rocks Markets @ Sydney, Australia | The Rocks 市場 @ 悉尼, 澳洲

Food Sharing #28 - Golden Century @ Sydney, Australia - 今天吃什麼 #28 金唐 @ 悉尼, 澳洲

Cooking with Travelgirl - Fish, Tomatoes & Tofu Soup | Travelgirl 廚房 - 豆腐番茄魚湯

Answers to Ten facts one lie challenge @Travelgirl + Costco Giveaway

Travelgirl's Diary [12] - Travelgirl 的日記 [12]

Steemit CN Community Karaoke Collaboration - Steemit 中文區大合唱 [明天會更好]

Ulmarra - A Fabulous Town in Country NSW , Australia

A Day Out at Circular Quay @ Sydney, Australia

Ten facts one lie challenge @ Travelgirl + Giveaway

Our Experience Crossing a Busy Road in Vietnam + Crowded Places

Travelgirl's Diary [11] + Giveaway - Travelgirl 的日記 [11] + 玩遊戲

My First Attempt on a Scooter in Taiwan | 我在台灣第一次開機車

Steemit Name Challenge | 用戶名稱挑戰 - @Travelgirl

Travelgirl's Diary [10] - Travelgirl 的日記 [10]

My video is at DLive

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