The puppies are here... all the way from Italy

On Friday evening we got two puppies - Betsy and Bertie.

They are brother and sister, all the way from Italy.

How they got here from Italy is a complicated story for another post.

They are Patterdale Terrier / Poodle / unknown Italian dog cross.

We have been wanting to get a dog for many months, and now, somewhat out of the blue, two lovely puppies have come in to our lives.

They will be four months old on 1 December and are absolutely well behaved.

I am sure I will be writing more about them in them in the coming weeks. They will have an important role to play on the homestead.

In the meantime we will enjoy getting to know them. And I will better learn how to take good photographs of black dogs in our dark house on dull days.

Here are a few more photos of them. Bertie is the rough haired dog with a bit of silver about him. Betsy is smooth haired and pure black.

One curiousity of their place of origin is that they have Italian dog passports.

I wonder where they will stand after Britain leaves the EU after Brexit...

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[all images by @pennsif]

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