Doodle Doodledayeo Round 11 - Holly's First Delivery

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Here's my entry for this week's Doodle Doodledayo Challenge!
With the sleigh and gift giving, I thought drawing Holly would be appropriate... and then, even though they're from completely different stories, I always like to draw her with Takata xD
It's because they both have dog-like companions LMAO

I recorded myself drawing this, but I'm still trying to get the video posted. Having a bit of difficulty with that! So I'll update the post once it's up :3c

UPDATE: Still haven't managed to get it to post to DTube. Posted it to YouTube instead :v

Drawing this was actually a little tough, because I lost the concept art of these goobers. Luckily, I knew how to get a hold of some older versions of Holly and her doggie, but I had to make new concept art of Takata and Sansol from scratch.
What's worse, I can't remember Takata's actual name, and I don't remember moon doggie's name :(

I'm figuring on digging around some more to try to find all the old references. Hopefully I can find the proper names and designs! ✮

Until then, have a bonus doodle of Holly and her moon doggie I found when digging around for references XD

holly and doggy 1.png

I think... tomorrow, I'm mostly going to focus on catching up to replying to people X'D
Or maybe I won't be online. It will be Christmas Eve, after all XDDD

But I do have conversations to catch up on, these contests and town errands have eaten up most of my time the past couple days LOL

But until then! I'll see you guys later~

Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays!! :DDDD


Previous Posts
1-#IntroduceYourself - Howdy! Th' Name's Ashi! ✮
2-A Morning Warmup - An Animation and Some Concept Art - 20 Dec 2017
3-Progress Report - Animations and Contest Entries - 21 Dec 2017
4-Progress Report - Animations and Eye Strain - 22 Dec 2017
5-Jenny's Art Contest - It Makes You Smile - AT THE LAST SECOND

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