Doodle Doodledayeo Round 9 - An Elf and His Dragon

Hey everybody!

Entering @opheliafu's [Doodledayeo challenge] again this week because honestly this is just really fun x)

Also recorded the process this time! As I mentioned [in my last post],
(where honestly I kinda ramble a bit, but there's pretty pictures to look at LOL please check it out if you like my characters and wanna see a random comic I did LMAO :3c)
I want to start doing timelapse videos and just, in general recording myself whenever I work x)

Not a bad for my first speedpaint in a while, if I do say so myself :P
(Although there is some flickering because of some recording snafus, and I didn't anticipate the thumbnail being this big when I linked it to Steemit... 🤔)
(I'll have to make a nicer version and edit it either later today or tomorrow 😂)

Anywho, so with the picture...

Doodle Doodledayeo 9 - 1.png

I actually had a little trouble deciding what I wanted to draw for this week's entry. Maybe because in my last [two] [posts], I created a character based on the three words.

When I told my brother I wasn't sure what to draw, and told him the words were Wool, Elf, and Decorations...
It became obvious that I should draw an elf in a wool sweater making or putting out decorations :P

Doodle Doodledayeo 9 - 2.png

Though, I am kind of fixated on wanting to draw "characters", as opposed to someone with no backstory. Not sure why that is?? Maybe because if they have a story, I'll be more compelled to draw them again later, and I don't feel so bad about only drawing them once.

I get a weird sentimental attachment to my creations, hush :P

Anyway, so I decided I wanted to draw one of my previously created elf characters...
It was a toss-up between Nil and Razby.

Razby won, but... mostly because I just really wanted to draw his cute lil' dragon buddy 😅

Doodle Doodledayeo 9 - 5.png

I hope the picture inspires warm winter feelings <33
Though I guess it's really not much of a "Holiday" or "Christmas" picture 😅

In their world, they have a completely different mythos, so... They probably wouldn't have a "Christmas", or even a "Santa Claus". Haven't really stopped to consider what kind of holidays they celebrate in the winter until now 🤔

But, in this picture, I just wanted to have the boys snuggling up in front of the fireplace ✨✨
They're both wearing sweaters, but... seems like Razby still has his shorts and sandals on like a goober 😅😂

He's also carving a little wooden decoration (I think it's probably going to look like the Ancient Earth Dragon :P), and I had a blast playing with the general decorative patterns in the room~~

I'd say they even rival the walls of Talia's inn 🤔
Actually, scratch that, they put her inn to shame 😂
Example for context, zoomed in from an old comic page I never got a chance to finish:

Doodle Doodledayeo 11.png

I started to just post the whole page, but... I dunno. I just kind of don't feel right sharing it just yet. I originally had very big plans for this comic.

...But then, even though I built this whole world and lots of characters and mythos... I didn't feel confident in my storytelling ability to make a cohesive plot, so I really wanted to hire this writer I really liked to work on it with me.

Actually, the whole thing was half inspired by making something I'd like to see her to write about, and half inspired by the kind of thing I thought my old friends (and... fans??) would get a kick out of reading back in my early teen days on deviantART.

It was also borne out of being upset that I hadn't done anything really cool on Steemit yet 😅😅
I had gone offline to work really hard on it, but... the writer I liked wasn't taking commissions anymore, and I lost the motivation to continue. 😫

Still... it feels really nice to draw them again. 😊
Maybe one day I'll feel brave enough to pick the project back up again~ 💖💝

Doodle Doodledayeo 9.png

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