Free the drugs!

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Free the drugs!

Today I heard someone say that "weed is the gateway drug" which is also called "the stepping stone theory".

I bit my tongue as I wasn't in a position to comment on this man. But it does make for a good post/rant.

The stepping stone theory is bull***t, it's not about IF you smoke weed but more about personality and genetics. About 10% of the people are prone to addiction, this has been confirmed by many studies.

The country where you live is a bigger factor when it comes to WHAT you get addicted to. Like was proven by the US' "war on drugs", where it didn't lead to less drug usage but to more addiction and to different drugs. Like crystal meth, which can be made from the cleaning cupboard. So it turns out that it's the choice of the government what you get addicted to. This is even agreed upon by ex DEA agents. Of course only when they are EX...

As a sidenote I want to say that it's weird how the US is always fighting nouns like: drugs, terrorism etc... It's like Don Quixote fighting his windmills or fighting ideas. Impossible.

But, if it's indeed a given that the govenment 'decides' what we get addicted to then it's the governments duty to have legal addictions and drugs. Alcohol, tobacco, sugar and chocolate are all more addictive than weed. Chocolate is almost as addictive as heroine and a billion dollar trade. This makes Nestle the biggest drug pusher in the world because they advertise it everywhere and all day. But of course chocolate is legal... And would the country wake up at all in the morning if there was no coffee? With sugar?

That's why it's my opinion that all drugs should be legalized via pharmacies. Everyone of legal age would get a card with on there only a picture and a number, no name etc. The pharmacist doesn't know who you are, just that you're allowed to buy drugs.

All data is collected on a computer and filters are used to see if your drug usage is extreme or suddenly changes. Usually people take drugs in the weekend when they go out to party. But when something changes radically, say you lose your job, and you start to use cocaine during the week then your physician will get a heads up. He can then contact you and offer help before you are in debt over your head, kicked out of your home and heavily addicted. The computer is very good at being impartial and objective and can spot problems when they occur. This would prevent enormous amounts of human suffering and crime, e.g.addiction, homelessness, burglary of cars and homes, robbery, illegal trade, bad drugs, health problems, broken relationships, etc.

If this would be the law it would have to be fool proof, privacy should be guaranteed. This could be done by making sure your physician is the only one that can make the correlation between the number and you. Your physician has client confidentiality to uphold.

To this rule only one exception should be made: if the amount of drugs bought can only be for re-sale. The physician could be assisted by software to spot anomalies. So if your drug use wouldn't exceed these thresholds you wouldn't be bothered at all. And if they exceed the treshhold it's only your house doctor that calls you, and of course it's your choice who is you doctor in the first place.

In Portugal they have proven that complete legalization works, although their way was to just let it go completely. It turns out that their jails contain no more drug users or sellers and no arrests are made. The quality of drugs has improved and most importantly the number of addicted has dropped significantly. And people who still are addicted are not scared to ask for help and get clean sooner with less physical and mental problems.

I think that my idea is just a tiny bit better because it makes it so that kids will not have access to drugs too soon and the quality would be assured.


This was my first non poem/prose post... And funny that it connects to my first post: Talk about addiction To be sure I will say that I have no addictions (anymore) except air (very addicted to that), food and something to drink...

If you want to read more by me, check out some more stuff I wrote:

An anecdotal poetry experiment
When it rains it pours
Dreaming about Steeming
For the love of stones
Mind, body and soul
United dreams
Talk about addiction

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umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu!

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