A good shake up in New Zealand

We have just had a 7.8 earthquake in New Zealand

That was a good shake up - longest one I’ve ever felt.

Earlier in the evening I’d been taking some photos of the unusual moon.

Here is a photo of the huge and extra bright moon over the neighbours roof that I took about half an hour before the earthquake struck:

I haven’t been following any possible connections between the moon and the earthquake, but some people are speculating that there is one.

It mostly wasn't as bad as in the news reports - no big Tsunamis, and no large buildings collapsed. Two deaths.

We hope everyone else in NZ is OK – that was all pretty scary!

Here is a short news story about it:

Here are a few local news links:




@sift666 is my Steemit alias. As 666 is the number following 665 and preceding 667, and I’m using the number here on my Steemit account, it might mean I’m a worshipper of Satan. Or it might indicate that I have troll tendencies I need to work out with myself.

My real name is Ian Gregson, aka wheels007. I’m a professional sifter from Wellington New Zealand. My interests include photography, conspiracies , web design , writing, nutrition, art, design, philosophy, technology, anarchy, health, computers, humour (humor), gratuitous arse shots, and anything that makes my eyes bulge while I make squeaking sounds (except torture).

Back in the glory days of Steemit (August 2016), I once made $404 for a post and went on a three month bender. I’m still trying to work off the hangover and am attempting to understand how that ever happened.

I’m currently developing a new website portal to rival Steemit called www.frot.co.nz where I’m testing out a new feature called “frottage” that may revolutionise blogging and create a global paradigm shift.

Photos and pictures labeled @sift666, www.sift.co.nz or www.frot.co.nz are my own creations, while pictures with no credits are usually ones I found in my image collection and have no idea where they originally came from. Otherwise, due to pressure to conform, I’m having a crack at including an image credit beneath each picture I copy off the internet. I do have opinions on this subject, but am practicing putting a sock in it.

To tell the truth I often have no idea what I’m going to post next, but I will be sure to include pictures. If you are a person who prefers mainstream opinion, my posts may not be entirely your cup of tea. But if you like to dwell on the wild fringes of conspiracy theory , or you are a whale with a massive blowhole, you might like to follow me on Steemit. It would be great to have you on board.

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