Looking into the core: What is matriarchy? What do you think it would look like? #ecoTrain QTWT


First things first

First of all, I would like to thank two amazing women, who made this post possible at all and be done the way I really wanted it to be. @clara-andriessen, an amazing woman, who happens to be my fellow #ecoTrain passenger and who constantly surprise me with different ideas. She might see majestic meaning in water lilies in her Water lily Oracle or write a beautiful poetry and she will be the one to ask: ‘What is matriarchy? What do you think a matriarchal society would look like?” - this week’s @ecotrain question of the week (click here to read @clara-andriessen's amazing answer)


2 Sheela Na Gigs by (c) [Jan Campbell]((http://avocadostonefaces.bigcartel.com/about) - Avocado Stone Faces) © Mayo, Ireland. Sheela Na Gig - are figurative carvings of naked women displaying her core - an exaggerated vulva. According to one of the theories of their origin they are remains of Mother goddess religion. Image Source

The second woman I want you to get to know is Jan Campbell, an amazing woman and artist who lives in County Mayo in the West of Ireland. I get across her Instagram a few months ago and was absolutely stunned by the beautiful creations she makes! Jan creates Avocado Stone Faces, a one of a kind art that transform an avocado stone into a small figure or an object. Her works are absolutely stunning and you can check them yourself on her web-page, Facebook or Instagram) At the same time the reason I chose Jan’s work to be represented in this article is that for me she is a kind of a women who in my opinion live in full harmony with her balanced Divine Feminine Energy - the base a matriarchal society can be built upon. She looks beyond the norms and is able to see magic there other people see just an ordinary avocado stone. She says: “ I taught myself to carve through instinct, intuition, and experimentation” and she is not afraid to do it. She respects the tradition, Nature around and is genially happy than Life brings a new person or experience to her. I believe Keltic traditions and names she uses also made an impact on me as I consider Celtic culture as the one very close to Mother Earth and spirits which I deeply respect. I felt somehow very connected to Jan’s art and her souls shining through it. I guess while Jan is looking at avocado stones and see magic in them, my hope is that I will be able to use her art to create some magic with this post. Furthermore, I just want to express a warm and loving gratitude to her in trusting in me and allowing to use her creations to highlight some ideas in this article.


Jan Campbell, a creator of Avocado Stone Faces with some of her fantastic creations. Image Source

Apart of what is been said, and before my main story, I would like to add that this collaboration with @clara-andriessen giving an idea to the article, Jan Campbell allowing me to use her beautiful art and me writing this post is already a small piece of the puzzle of how I feel a matriarchal society would look like. It is all about collaboration and value of the people. But let’s get to its core!

The story you would read above it is the experience I got doing past life regression a few years back. I have been experimenting with different spiritual traditions and methods and I guess, I can say that they enriched my life and gave me a broader understanding of the World I live in. For those of you, who don’t know what is past life regression mean there is a short explanation here. In this particular time, I was guided by a medium who gently asked me questions while I was “floating” in the “time within time” observing the scenes appeared before my eyes. I did not take any drugs or alcohol - there is simple breathing exercise you can do to achieve this state of consciousness. I believe that is one of the most profound experiences I have ever had in my life so far and I would really love to share it with you as it is perfectly matched with the today’s question: What is matriarchy? What do you think a matriarchal society would look like? In fact, I did it in one of the hardest time I had in my life and it forever changes my vision and understanding. So, let’s begin.


Floating back in time

I am in a beautiful meadow. There is huge, green, gorgeous forest around me. I can see it from my left and right. Somehow I know that I'm not alone. I know that I am a part of something bigger, that I can not yet explain, but the feeling is so profound and full. Somewhere on the verge of my consciousness, there is the idea that it's not really “Me” is spinning around my mind, because "I am” or better say who I think “I am” - the body, who I identify with “being me”now lies in a comfortable room and listens to the questions asked. And it is the question I hear distracts me from this thought.

What do you see? - my guide asks me

I see amazingly beautiful Nature - I answer.

Standing there, I look around. I see that I'm standing by my house, which reminds me of a small decorated cave. I do not see anything here that I used to see in the “normal world" - there are no skyscrapers, there are no shops, no artificial substances. It seems everything I see here is taken from Nature or formed our of Natural components. Further down, I see how men and women work, they sing and laugh cheerfully. I see a lot of children, older ones help adults, younger - run and play in the meadow, someone sits on the side and creates something similar to mandala I have recently seen. I see how every person shines with energy. Some people are like luminous rainbows, others have one or several colors. And I see that they are connected by luminous threads and everyone seems to know about it. I feel very relax and happy here.


(c)Jan Campbell, Avocado Stone FacesImage Source

Can you look at your feet and describe them to me? - I hear the question of the guide.

I do what he asked for and the image of my bare feet appears.

Wow, I'm standing barefoot!

I see a piece of something long and beautiful covering the top of my legs. I pull my foot forward and see that it is adorned with a bracelet. I have a tambourine and flowers in my hands. I raise my hands to touch my hair. I have long, well-groomed hair and on the right, I stumble upon a flower that is attached to my hear by a clamp.

I must be beautiful - I say aloud.

What I am most amazed is the sense of calm, relaxation, slow motions which exist here. It is if I am part of the world around. It feels that there is no separation between people as if we are one ... As if the whole world around with women, men, children, fields, rivers is one with me and is inseparable from me.


(c)Jan Campbell, Avocado Stone FacesImage Source

The voice of my guide interferes again.

Do you think there is something important that you need to know? Can you ask your higher self to guide you?

The picture changes quickly. I'm standing in a circle and I surrounded by other women. We are all dressed beautifully, we embrace each other and smile. I see a lot of old people here, they shine bright and feel so familiar to me. They are particular interest to me. I look into their eyes and I see the reflection of incredible light, wisdom, power, the Greatest Knowledge they all seem to possess. I want to be part of this circle, I want them to share what they have with me. They start a beautiful Dance.

I feel tears springing from my eyes. My body cries. I can feel tears running down my cheeks. I am captivated by a sense of endless sadness and, at the same time, boundless joy. At the same time, it all exists somewhere else far away from where I stay, so stunned but what I see, too puzzled to try to understand it. I am standing there but it seems I am flying somewhere distant The feeling that this Light from this gorgeous women is getting into me slowly embraces me. More they dance, more I want to dance. I want to join their celebration, I want to find my place in this Dance. Each of them is dancing in their own unique way yet they form a beautiful united Symphony of Life. As my body cries I get closer to them, I feel an urge to join them and I start dancing. With each move, I am becoming part of them, a part that has been lost for so long and finally managed to come there.

"I'm not alone. I'm not alone" the only thought that is stuck in my head.

I feel how my body relaxes. I feel how with deep exhale my muscles lose their tightness. I stop crying. More I dance with them, more I feel relaxed and sadness changes to incredible JOY and HAPPINESS. And now I'm laughing, with all my might, the way I have never laughed in my life.

Can you describe what is happening? - the voice of my guide reaches my consciousness.

And I'm telling her what I see.

I'm telling that this is the World where women are Powerful. They have their Wisdom, their have their connection to the Divine Feminine Force and they are respected for being who they really ARE.

I see abundance everywhere.

I see happy men who supported, loved and cared for this wonderful women. I see the respect to Nature, to the Soul who decides to come to Play the Game of Life and endless flowing Harmony.

I see lots of woman faces flowing in front of my inner vision - faces of old, young, middle-aged woman, girls, even infants - they all move their lips sharing their wisdom with me. I can’t really undersign the world they say, yet I smile and celebrate it with all my heart.

💕💕I'm Home💕💕 - I tell my guide.

and slowly add smiling:

💕💕I found my way in this world💕💕


(c)Jan Campbell, Avocado Stone Faces Image Source

After few moments of endless joy, my guide slowly leading me out of the experience gently reminding me to get closer to the NOW. My last stop before I would leave this place is a place where I can talk to My Higher Self.

My guide encourages me to ask it some questions.

Can you ask why the Higher Self choose to show you this scene? - she advises.

And I do it. I am curious why myself? What is so important in this vision? What do I need to understand?
The answer I get is very simple:

“You had to know that it is possible and it has been already done before. You just need to remember it”.


I DO remember it

Since the time of experience, I described many years have passed. At the same time, I remember it in every single detail as it would unfolding in front of me right now. Perhaps this was my first real contact with the collective power of Women - the power of acceptance, wisdom, care and unconditional LOVE.

With the will of fate, which has its own reasons, I began to meet such women in real life. One by One they would enter my Life and bright it with their Love, wisdom, support, and care. They are those who I could call “ Soul Sister” knowing some only for a few moments. Each of them brings something new to my life. Some of them will appear in my life for a while, some are getting through life with me sharing this journey together, yet one fact is true for all - the amazing and incredible harmony we all form. They might be living all over the world, I have to be honest some of them I did not meet in person yet we are all connected to me by amazing invisible Force.

I believe that this Force living inside of everywomen and connecting them to the One will make miracles happen. It will lead us to the society where Life, Peace, Nature, and Traditions, as well as every single person, are respected It will lead as to the World where children grow with the idea of collaboration, rather than competition. The Force which will begin a new era we call Matriarchy.There still be a choice what we will collectively do with it. Could we manage to keep it balanced not going into the other edge of what we have now? We will see later.

At the same time, I know one thing for sure, the experience we get thought is always giving us a lesson. And the lesson I learned when I made this past life jump, was simple: “I am not alone.” So when I look at what is happening in the world now, and I lose hope, I always turn to this experience, I turn to my Soul Sisters for support and the sun always start shining again. The sun of Hope that a better world, the world where mutual collaboration reigns is possible and it is coming.


(c)Jan Campbell, Avocado Stone Faces Image Source.

With love,

Sasha Genji


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