The ecoTrain Magazine: 13th March. Discover our amazing passengers. Great Content, always something different!


This week we have a great selection of posts from our wonderful passengers. There really is something for everyone here, with every single post in this weeks selection being just briliant.. So a big shout out to all the @ecoTrain passengers for being who you are, and continuing to amaze and inspire us with your stories and messages.

As always, remember to follow the passenges that you like, and even resteem the posts that really touch you. It's so easy to forget, and then miss out on more great content.


What is matriarchy? What do you think a matriarchal society would look like? ecotrain question of the week

Matriarchy is a social system in which the 'mother' is leading.
Or in my opinion: Matriarchy is a social system in which the maternal qualities are leading.

So that means it can be both women and men leading in that sense, as long as they do it from their feminine qualities.
I'm saying 'leading' and not 'ruling' as it would not be a matriarchy if there was 'ruling' going on by whomever, men or women, because 'ruling is a masculine trait and that would make it a patriarchy, even if it was 'ruled' by women.

Women ( and men) who are well in tune with their feminine qualities see a position of leadership as a service instead of a privilege and therefore are in the modus of 'giving' instead of 'taking'.

This is because of the care for all of life that comes inherently with the feminine qualities. In fact 'care for life' is the core of everything feminine.
The feminine works in a totally different way then the masculine does. It is not logical, or structured in a logical way.



Full Moon - Worm Moon 🌕🌿🌕

“The moon will guide you through the night with her brightness, but she will always dwell in the darkness, in order to be seen.”
― Shannon L. Alder

It may look like a scene from a creepy movie, but this was my drive home, about 200 feet from my driveway. The full moon was so fascinating on this night! I had read that the Native Americans called this a Worm Moon because it is the full moon near the Spring Equinox and the earth is thawing and the worms earthworms are coming to the surface. It is a good time to plant new endeavors. March will have two full moons. This one was on the first day and the second will be a blue moon on the last day. Poor February did not even get one full moon this year.


How I Embrace Womanhood/What it means to be a woman.

Today Woman are expected to have everything and be everything to everyone all of the time.

I know that as a woman we can multitask, but these expectations that society places on us are huge.

How we identify ourselves changes with time, with knowledge, it changes with our emotions.

Be it partners, friends, mothers, lovers, workers, home maker's, chefs, adviser’s, traveller the list goes on.

I can be all of the above in one day, in other days only one.

Breathe-100 Days of Poetry Challenge: Day Three


Who Am I
To say what needs to be done?
Who Am I,
That feels at one with the Moon and the Sun,
Who feels each pull of the Tidal Waves.

Breathe in Power
Breathe out Rage.
Who am I
To shout and scream so that I'm heard,
Who am I
That refuses to sit and listen,
Who refuses to engage.
Breathe in Power
Breathe out Rage

🔥Steemit Vision Quest - Week 6: “Queen Of The Forest”

I have always felt so at peace in the forest. It is our lungs and connects us with the seasons. It is where I go if I need to recharge. The energy that is held there and the exchange of energy from tree to human and back again is very powerful.

The forest is a place of magic, where the veil between our world and the world of magic is very thin. I was sure when I was a child, that I got to see many fairies in the forest.

I grew up with trees around me, I feel like they have been a constant presence in my life, a constant companion.

They are calming and reassuring, they are our connection to the past and to the future. they sustain us in so many different ways.

To me every Tree is both Queen and King of the forest, as all things are in balance there.

Tell Me About Your Home?

What does your home mean to you?

How important is your home to you?

When I Speak of home, do you picture your house, your dwelling. The place where you gather with your family of friends, to eat and cook. To nourish yourself. The place where you spend most of your time, where you dream and make plans, where you envisage your future.Where you raise your children.

Do you feel protective over your home? Does it contain many valuable possessions, many memories?Is it walls of stone, of clay, is it canvas or metal? Is it stationary or mobile?

I know it gives you shelter, it makes you feel safe and secure, it is your safe haven.


Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks - Week #5 ~ My Steemit Journey: Guided Here by Spirit!

My route to Steemit has been circuitous. ~
It is as if I have lived many lives with varying degrees of varying success. ~
I am 52 years old. Here, is my tale. ~
As a child I had several memorable and peculiar interactions with the spiritual realm which completely freaked me out.
And so, as most would, I hastily slammed the door shut on unseen realms.
It was only in June 2016 that the spirits came calling once again.
Apparently, I was finally ready to communicate with them without fear.

Life ~ Final Destination: One Step Closer to Source. Chunterings of a Woman of a Certain Age!

A person reaches a time when the preceding years and life experiences start to make sense in the context of the greater picture of one’s life. A time when it becomes a conscious decision to turn the page on the past and boldly stride forward into the unknown with self-knowledge hard won from knocks, scrapes, triumphs and failures. Usually this realisation follows upon a traumatic, life altering, undoing which, I have come to believe is no accident - it is the divine giving us one almighty shove which we then have the free will to heed, hinder or altogether ignore.


Celebrating International Women’s Day: let’s share Integrity and Wisdom

Life is full of surprises. You just live and move in the Universal flow to find yourself reaching a destination you prayed for. My destination was simple for quite a long time now - I just wanted to find my circle - the circle of people I share my vision to the world. And I found it on Steemit with beautiful and amazing people who live by the same principles that I consider myself. There are men and women, but today, when the World celebrates International Women’s Day I want to name women who make me feel that I am the happiest person who found my virtual tribe!@trucklife-family, @stillwatersart, @sharoonyasir, @clara-andriessen, @solarsupermama, @everlove, @hopehugs - you are all gems which I am so happy to be surrounded and share this journey one Steemit with. I thank you for your constant support, creativity and wisdom you share. I believe you make Steemit a very special place for me to be.

Women have always have been one of the main interest in my life. Since childhood, I somehow managed to find a common grounds with them in an amazing way which often surprised me. On the other hand, they kept surprising me - some with their amazing naivety, others - with their wisdom, the third - with their the ability to find a way out of any situation. The situations I met them, countries and cultures were always different, but there was something magical in all of them. The theme of Women and the growing Feminy energy sounded stronger and stronger with each year of my life passing by.

The Vision: Queen of Forest Tale. My entry to Steemit Vision Quest - Week 6.

The Calling

Being on Steemit for a while I can’t stop being surprised by a variety of wonderful initiatives launch by Steemians. This week thanks to my fellow#ecoTrain passenger @trucklife-family I came across 🔥Steemit Vision Quest. @cabelindsay, who curates it encourages us to “bring our Inner Visions into focus, prompted by the question: What Does My Higher Self See?” words (c)@cabelindsay. Each week a new theme is suggested giving us a chance to use our creativity in various forms and connect to other Steemians exploring their visions. This week SVQ theme is absolutely stunning - “Queen Of The Forest”. It is a personal calling for me as I am a huge forest lover and tree-planter. Moreover, being an Art-lover as well, I immediately knew whose artworks I wanted to use for this very special post!


This is What a Hero Looks Like

Hero is a big word. It brings up lots of ideas of daring and dangerous rescues, of people with superpowers or special abilities or incredible athletic talent. Maybe it brings up images of people who have defied great odds to fight injustice, but it almost always brings up an image of someone who seems a little bigger than human. Every once in a while you meet a person who seems ordinary but is actually so extraordinary that the word applies.


Celebrate the Inner You- Happy Women's Day!

I believe both, women and men are amazing and have their own unique character traits that make them so special. However, today I'll share my thoughts on being a woman and womanhood because yeah, it is the International Women's Day. Although I believe women should celebrate their individuality every single day of their life like I feel every day or any day can be about love and your Valentine's Day, but let's face it- with so much to do throughout the day and this is like two times more if you have one baby and just multiply it by 2 for every kid you have, it is really difficult to celebrate your special powers every single day. So taking out some time for yourself on a day does feel amazing and is important too.

Today I'll talk about my feelings on being a woman and what I believe women empowerment is about.

A Discovery I made about Myself with Self-Awareness...

The key to understanding yourself is to gain self-awareness into the real and inner you which is often quite different from what you believed and expected to be as @likedeeler said on one of my previous posts that the more you find out about yourself, the more you realize it's not who you thought you were. That is what's so enlightening about self-awareness- it makes you really dig deep into yourself and know who you truly are and this awareness helps you make peace with a lot of the issues you experience in life.

I thought I knew myself really well, but when I really started to dig deep into myself like about a year ago and still have that shovel in my mind that keeps digging a tad bit more with each passing day, I made so many interesting discoveries about myself that I was never really sure about. Today, I'd like to share one of those discoveries with you- one that I find a little difficult to share because I feel it is one of my shortcomings and it somewhat made me feel guilty, but then I chose to own up to it and accept it so now I am not feeling too bad about it.

How to Keep Your Eyes on the Goal...

Having written over 300 e-books on goal setting and nurturing self-discipline and motivation to stay focused on your goals and follow through with them and having applied a lot of that knowledge in my own life to pursue my goals and fulfill them, I think I can offer some sound advice on how stay focused on the goal. I am no authority on the subject because I feel that takes years of experience, but I do know the subject to some extent. I was asked my @event-horizon to write something on the topic and since it's quite an important one to me as well, I thought now was a good time to offer my 2 cents on it.

So here's what I do to pursue my goals and I think what helps most of the people to keep their eyes on their goals and achieve them.


How We Got Paid $$$$ To Plant Fruit and Nut Trees in Our Food Forest

If you’re into sustainable food production and/or Permaculture you’ve probably heard of Food Forests. The concept isn’t new, but is slowly reaching a wider audience.

Establishing one can be expensive and time consuming and there isn’t much funding for these projects. But what if you could get paid to plant one?

Our Journey to Becoming Homesteaders | #sndboxquest #1

Why We're Homesteaders

We both have had a long and winding road that led us to where we are now. We've been sharing the journey for about 5 years now and have been on our land a little over 2 years. The impetus to homestead runs deep in our blood at this point. In the following sections as we share the paths that led us to become homesteaders, you'll understand more of the moments and experiences that underpin this very big and challenging life decision. Suffice it to say that we have a huge belief that humans need to reconnect with the earth if there is going to be a future for humanity at all. Deforestation, Pollution, Exploitation of Resources, Unhealthy Human Systems, and so much more all lead us to want to "Walk the Talk" of a more sustainable life.

Veggie Oil Nomads!! We just filtered a waste resource with the sun’s power... Road Trip!

It’s been a busy couple of years getting our homestead established, but we finally got back into filtering our fuel. Utilizing used vegetable oil to fuel our Jetta used to be the norm for us, but fell to the wayside.

We’re happy to share that we just processed our first batch with solar power! In this post we will walk y’all through our process of turning waste into fuel.


All About Solar Power At Earthship Karuna

I have been living off-grid for around 12 years now, and am writing this post from Earthship Karuna using power from the sun. Today the sun is shining brightly and that solar power is being instantly converted into electricity for me to use. My whole home is powered by the sun, with excess energy being stored in four big batteries for the night time and cloudy days. It's fair to say that since I live in India, I have one of the most reliable power supplies in the whole country! I almost never have a power cut, and also have some backup options in case there is no sun for weeks on end.

I am writing this post to share with you how solar power works, what components are needed to be able to power your home from the sun, and specifically how Earthship Karuna is powered with a tour of the appliances that I use. I will also explain some of the considerations you will need to make if you are considering changing to solar power, and explain some of the limitations of using solar power

Are your assumptions holding you back? BreakThrough - The Path To Enlightenment part 8 of 9: Assume Nothing, Know Everything

Did you already make an assumption about this post before you started reading this? When you read the words 'Know Everything', did that bring up a specific theme or idea for you? How many assumptions did you make just from the thumbnail and title, before you even started reading!?

Making assumptions is a part of life. We learn to make many assumptions as we grow and gain life experience. We learn that people who look a certain way, and act a certain way may well be a threat. We learn to respond to each other, based on what we have learned, and this allows us to engage with life more efficiently. It would take ages to have a conversation with someone if you didn't make a lot of assumptions. Now, what happens when this it out of balance? What happens when our assumptions are wrong, and we didn't even know we had made them!? We often meet resistance and have conflicts because we have assumed something that is not true. In these situations there is a disconnect happening, and our assumptions have major consequences on our thinking, our actions, our perspective of the world and the people we meet. We cannot end our conflicts until we understand our assumptions. Being grounded in truth is a important part of being on the path to enlightenment, and that is why "Assume Nothing" is the penultimate post in this series.


UTOPIA .. An adventure story.. Part 1.. 'Old Saul'

Some people are insomniac because they are afraid to go to sleep. Others just enjoy the quiet of the night. Some stay awake, waiting for a sign...


A full moon in March, somewhere in Galilee, in a place which long ago some called Israel, but which now has no name at all. These days there are no countries. The land is divided by rivers and mountains, forests and deserts and places where the land meets the sea. Some regions have names, if anyone can remember them, but no one is really sure where they begin or where they end. It doesn't really matter any more.

We begin our journey with Saul, a carpenter. You will find him outside his cabin on the hillside, facing south - if you can find his cabin at all - hidden as it is among tall trees. Look for the white stones which mark the edges of the path, cleared of thorns. You can see them shining in the moonlight quite clearly tonight. Follow the path through the forest and you'll find him there, sitting in his rocking chair, smoking his pipe.

Old Saul, they call him. Nobody knows how old he is exactly. He doesn't know himself. Some say he is a century and a half. Some say more than two. Old Saul is old enough to remember the Great Meltdown, and that was at least a hundred years ago, by anyone's reckoning - though people these days are mostly very bad at counting. With the unpredictability of the seasons, even counting years is rarely done with any degree of accuracy. With no records, it's hard to be too sure of anything with any certainty. Stories are handed down from mouth to ear - and like a game of Chinese whispers, they get changed along the way.


A Life Changing Year on Steemit (A Million Thank Yous): Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks - Week #6

Steemit Journey Start

When I started on Steemit in November 2016, I was this housewife, who was very unhappy in her marriage and struggled with self-esteem issues and wanted to find some kind of way to make a living from home, instead of living from benefit payment to benefit payment.

I shared this unhappiness on Steemit and my decisions to make changes and received a whole lot of support through comments and love. I'll dig out a couple, as they really did get me through some dark days, as was quite isolated at this point:

Fu*k it and just do it anyway, by being you...


Well today’s discovery was a Western way to interpret an Eastern philosophy.

An important part of Buddhism is to not become attached to anyone, anything, or any situation.

There are two words that sum this philosophy up.

What Happened in 1665, that Could Make You Happy Right Now?

Our brains are wonderfully complex things, but what if there was some way we could get them under control...

Almost 400 years ago, in 1665, a Dutch physicist, Christiaan Huygens, has made a discovery that can be classified as revolutionary. When he left his laboratory one night, after a long day, filled with hard work and a lot of thinking, he left two pendulum clocks next to one another.

These two clocks had been set in motion by Huygens, and of course, they were not synchronized.

When he came back to the office the next morning, he observed that the two clocks had harmonized movements. They were swinging perfectly synchronized, back and forth, following the very same movement pattern.


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