Spark Curiosity While Solving Real World Problems

We can change the world! We can make a difference! We can be anything we want! Yeah? Prove it!

We are told these things all our childhood. But then we sit on our bums in a class for twelve years. Learning a few things- sure. Memorizing endless numerals that we will never use in real life- far too much.

Teachers, here is your chance to prove to youth that they can make a difference. Plan a semester, or a whole year, around a local problem.

  • Find an organization that builds tiny homes for the homeless. The students practice maths with the measurements, engineering with the building plans, and social studies by learning about the problems and issues. They they get to help build the houses!

  • Older inner city students can open an after school youth club to mentor at risk kids. They will learn problem solving and identifying the unique challenges faced. They can organize ball games, help with homework, teach art or music, fund raise, and many other things as the possibilities are endless!

  • Bees are necessary for the world. If bees were to become extinct all life on this planet would perish. Research bees and their importance and upkeep, plant colorful flowers, and build beehives! Science, maths, building, animal sciences, and gardening are used.

  • Start your own charity! Research how to begin a 501c3 and what type of organization you wish to run and what it will do. Learn grant writing, social outreach, community building, etc.

  • Clean up a swamp or forest. Learn ecosystems, pollution and science.

  • Start an urban garden. Secure an area with the city and the kids and neighbors work together to build raised beds, secure seeds, learn how to plant and research as some veggies grow better beside others, network with the community, and harvest tasty treats!

  • If local ordinance does not allow the above, plan a couple months of field trips to learn where your food comes from. Week 1- research local foods and farms. Visit a farm. Spend the day learning what goes into the growing and harvesting. Week 2- research food animals then visit a humane ranch. Week 3- learn about transportation of food, the trucking and train industry, etc, then tour a facility. Week 4- learn the importance of farmers markets and visit one. Many educational opportunities abound, from economics to sustainability.

  • Real life learning opportunities are necessary to understanding the world and your place in it. It connects you to the community and gives you a sense of belonging. And working collaboratively with your peers and local governments builds important social and communication skills which are necessary to succeed in the world.

    What are some other ways classes can solve real world problems?

    Images via Pexel and Pixabay

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    With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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