Level Up Your Life #ManifestChallenge # 12

What do these phrases have in common:

  • You are what you eat
  • Birds of a feather flock together
  • Like attracts like

They all show you that you are not separate from your environment.

You cannot separate yourself from your environment if you are to improve. If you have a horrible marriage, you are not going to be able to be happy. If you hang out with criminals, you're only going to learn how to be a better criminal and get in trouble by association or being in the wrong place at the time. If you eat poorly you will experience bad health.

If you live in a dirty dwelling, you are going to be filthy. It's inevitable.

All the positive visualizations are not going to drastically alter your reality if your surrounding are stagnant and you're not doing anything about it. You must change or alter any negatives in your life to make room for the positives to flow into your life.

This applies to Steemit, too. If you want to succeed on Steemit, or any avenue online that you wish to succeed at, you have to keep challenging yourself to be better. Create more. Figure out how to format your posts to be more appealing to the readers eye. Surround yourself with a great community to uplift you and encourage you.

To see better you have to be better.

When you level up on a video game, you get different rooms. New challenges. It does not remain the same or nobody would play and the industry would be bankrupt.

Level up your life and enjoy your new surroundings.

You've earned it :)

In case you missed a day of the #ManifestChallenge:
Intro or The Beginning
Day 1 Visualize
Day 2 Just Write
Day 3 Create the Life You Want
Day 4 Eliminate Limiting Beliefs
Day 5 Spread the Happy
Day 6 Love
Day 7 Affirmations
Day 8 Motivation
Day 9 Shit Happens
Day 10 Weekend Warriors
Day 11 Level Up Your Life

Images via Creative Commons

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I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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