Part III: What's Up With School, Anyway? If There Should Be a School-What That Could Look Like and Imagining a Life of Freedom

It's another great day to be a Steemian 

and investigate new perspectives.

As you may know by now I am passionate about children.  I am thrilled having  first-hand knowledge that the possibilities I share are indeed already in practice.  I am experiencing the awakening of the adults surrounding them and the benefits the children receive from our questioning our own beliefs of what we have come to know.

In Part One 

of this series I shared my own experience with school and how my discomfort in raising my own children in the system shook me into rethinking my relationship with everything--education included.   The foundation was laid for questioning the bigger picture.

Though my personal journey stood me in the purafire. I realized that school as it is mandated in the U.S. does not actually contribute to and enhance the livelihood and well-being of a child.  In fact, it almost always does the exact opposite.   I had to burn out my old ideas and put my intuition into action for the freedom of my children.

In Part Two

I shared some of the things children's aren't' meant to do, as all these contrived realities of perceived importance are not natural for an empowered life.  Children are held accountable, coerced, manipulated and forced to be a part of a mainstream system that actually dumbs them down.  Children either succumb to the pressure and make the best of what is by people pleasing and doing as they're told, or they stand up and buck the system, behave disobediently against the school and their parent's wishes, they get in trouble, and often become filled with anger and frustration from the pressure of being and participating in something that doesn't suit their higher good.   

Today I share Part III:  If there should be a school, how it could be a joyous and rewarding experience.  How it could be expansive and inclusive, a delight and inspiration. and actually meet the needs of all ages of people, not just a forced, segregated institution for low standard curriculum memorization.

If we can imagine the life we want, and the life we want for our children, full of inspiration and passion, we can achieve it.  It will require that the adults actually rethink their beliefs, find peace in the process and hold space for such a reality to be.  Or the children will have to rise up and command for themselves a juicy life of their own design that is progressive and life-giving to match their desired empowered existence, even against all odds.

Just imagine the possibilities.  

Just imagine that we are capable.  

Just imagine a healthy and happy new generation of beings 

living a life of thrival.

Part I

Part II

Part IV to come:  A Life Well Lived

This photography is my own, taken on the land known as @thegardenofeden.  

This is where the magic is happening and a whole new paradigm is being birthed,

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