I remember the phone number of my EX and I'm PROUD of it! ** digital dementia **


Yepp, I could still call her in the middle of the night, by heart. I bet you think now: Poor guy, he can't get her out of her head.... Haha, well it's not quite the case - my brain is just too damn good! Ok, that's also not true, but anyway, lemme explain :)

London Real: Jim Kwik

You might know that I sometimes write about podcasts I listen to. In this one, Jim Kwik talked about how are our brains literally deteriorating by using all the digital devices who do thinking for us. One of his examples was unability of people to remember telefphone numbers these days. And it's true - so many people I know don't even remember their own.

So how many do I have in my mind?

Well, lemme count:

  • Mine
  • Mum
  • Dad
  • Sis (@zzuzza)
  • 4 friends
  • 2 grandmothers'
  • 1 ex
  • grandmother's house
Well, that's 12. Is it more than average? Or less? I have no idea.

I'd be really happy if you let me know about your score and not just upvote the post...but I won't get angry for just an upvote either :D

Digital dementia

It was interesting to listen to Jim and his talk on this "modern disease". Writing all the tasks into reminders and calendars, shopping jut with shopping lists etc etc...He offered soo many various insights and advices I'll consider writing proper Podcast bits about it...If I don't forget :D

Thanks for reading!


Tak je, stale by som vedel vytocit jej cislo aj o polnoci.Isto si teraz myslite: "Chudak chalan, nevie na nu zabudnut ...Haha nie tak uplne - Moj mozog je na to az prilis dobry. Ok, to tiez nie je uplne pravda, nechajte ma to teda vysvetlit.

London Real: Jim Kwik

Ako uz mozno viete, obcas pisem posty o super podcastoch, co som v poslednej dobe pocul. No a vcera som pocuval London Real s Jim Kwikom. Rozpraval o tom ako nase mysle pouzivanim vsetkych modernych kalendarov a pripomienkovacov chabnu. Jeden z prikladov, ktore uviedol je neschopnost ludi pamatat si mena alebo telefonne cisla.

Kolko cisel si teda pamatam ja?

Hm, dobra otazka (+lekcia anglictiny):

  • Mine
  • Mum
  • Dad
  • Sis (@zzuzza)
  • 4 friends
  • 2 grandmothers'
  • 1 ex
  • grandmother's house
Tak to je 12. Aky je Vas pocet? Som na tom dobre alebo zle?

Otazka to nie je len "basnicka". Fakt by ma zaujimalo, kolko si ich pamatate vy :D

Digitalna demencia

Bola to inak fakt zaujimava epizoda, pocuvat rozne fakty o tejto "modernej diagnoze". Vsetko to zapisovanie uloh do kalendarov a nakupovanie so zoznamom napisanym na papieri. Je dost mozne, ze o tom napisem aj normalny Podcast bits post ....ak nezabudnem :D

Dik za precitanie!

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. [Dev stream #1] Wondered what it's like to be a programmer?...join me in the office! [ Audio, keyboard + screen]
  2. Traveling alone and traveling with companion - alone in Pakistan vs with friends in Nepal
  3. [Podcast bits #5] Advantages of using Brave browser (not just surfing without ads!)
  4. [DLive VLOG #10] Programming MY OWN Ethereum TOKEN!! + KSI vs. LOGAN picks
  5. [DLive Vlog #9] Austrian Alps hiking, mountain lake & truth about MY ADDICTION!
  6. Perks of living with Latino guys OR every woman's DREAM!n


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