Traveling alone and traveling with companion - alone in Pakistan vs with friends in Nepal


TLDR version

The whole point of my post is shown in this poor diagram I've just made real quick...but hey, I'd like you to read it all :)



Pointa postu je v tychto obrazkoch. Kazdopadne by ma samozrejme potesilo, keby ste citali aj dalej a dali mi vediet, ci suhlasite :)

So similar and yet so different...I've learned it "hard way". Traveling opens many door, door to new experiences, new friendships, self-discovery, new memories with current friends and many more...but it can't, or usually doesn't open all of them at the same time.

Here's my comparison for traveling alone and with friends.

Alone in .... (for me it was Pakistan)

Living and meeting people of another culture, nation and religion on a daily basis without having your friends around is really eye-opening. Learning curve and self-discovery in such environment is steep AF. You doubt yourself, you miss family and friends. You're not sure if the decision was right. Not all the time...but those times come. And when they do, you're alone. But on the other side, that makes you seek company. You're forced to open yourself to new things and let people enter your private zone. These moments are the ones when you learn the most. You get through tough times and now you know what you're made of. It just puts things into perspective, both external and internal.

Tak podobne a zaroven tak odlisne...uvedomil som si to na vlastnej kozi. Cestovanie otvara vela dvier (dveri?) - k zazitkom, novym priatelstvam, sebaspoznavaniu, zazitkom s aktualnymi kamosmi atd atd..Nanestastie neotvara vsetky tieto dvere naraz. Tu je moje porovnanie a pohlad na vec. Celkom ma zaujima nazor @truestories a @marekv7 a co preferuju.

Sam v ... (pre mna to bol Pakistan)

Zitie a dennodenne stretavanie sa a komunikacia s ludmi inej kultury, narodnosti a nabozenstva je ociotvarajuca. Krivka ucenia a sebaspoznavania sa je brutalne strma. Clovek si nie je isty, ci to bolo spravne rozhodnute, chyaba mu rodina a kamosi, jedlo...nie stale, ale tieto temne chvilky prijdu na kazdeho. A ked prijdu, ste sami. To vas vsak na druhej strane prinuti hladat spolocnost. Musite sa proste otvorit a vpustit do vasej intimnej zony uplne cudzich ludi. A presne vtedy, ked sa zbavite tych obranych murov, tak sa najviac naucite. Bytie sam da veci proste do perspektivy. Jednak to, kde ste zili doteraz ale aj vas vnutorny pohlad a predstavu o samom sebe.

With friends in .... (for us it was India or Nepal)

Going with friends is fun. You take your bubble along with you. You still do the same jokes you do at home, see the same faces. If something goes wrong, they are there for you. On the other side, you can just hang on the group and let others do the work. You don't have to interact with the locals cuz there's always some friend to do it. You just get to enjoy your time. I'm not saying it's's just different.

S kamosmi v ... (pre nas to bola India alebo Nepal)

Cestovanie s kamosmi je sranda. Zoberiete si celu vasu bublinu z domu a proste idete na vylet. Smejete sa na rovnakych veciach ako doma, vidite rovnake tvare atd atd. Ak sa stane nieco zle, mate pri Vas kamosov, ktori vzdy pomozu. Pred cestou vpodstate vobec nie ste nervozni. Len sa proste tesite, ako si uzijete cas s fellaz. Nevravim, ze to je zle, je to proste len nieco ine..

Chitwan National Park in Nepal

Rajastan, India

Aspects ratio

I've just somehow tried to score it :D

Aspects ratio

Tak nejak som to skusil evaluovat :D

1st example from my experience

Traveling to Asia, especially for Europeans, always carries higher risk of stomach diseases. I had the worst night in my life, food poisoned in Pakistan. I had to poo exactly 16 times and vomited another 10 times during the same night. Shaking from cold waves, crawling on four, all on my own, alone. When we were in India 2 years later, my friend experienced the same. We helped him. We were there with him, talked with him, eventually brought him some food..

I don't want to add pictures here :D They are disgusting :D

2nd example from my experience

Just yesterday, my little beloved sis @zzuzza shared a post about her hitchiking trip to Slovenia's beautiful lake BLED. Funy enough, I was there, also hitchhiking several years ago..but alone. Reading her post, I just realized how different memories she and I have from the trip. She had lot of fun, while for me, it was more about being alone with myself, thinking about world etc etc..Similar trips but so different at the same time :)

Prvy priklad z mojich skusenosti

Ked ide clovek do Azie, vzdy mu hrozia zaludocne problemy. O to skor ak je Europan. Moja najhorsia noc v zivote sa datuje do roku 2o14, kedy som pocas jednej noci 16x sedel na wecku a dalsich cca 10x zvracal. Triasol sa od zimy, chodil po izbe po styroch vsetko sam, bez pomoci. Ked sme o dva roky na to boli v Indii, kamos sa dostal do rovnakej situacie. Pomohli sme mu. Boli sme pri nom, vtipkovali sme, eventualne sme mu doniesli nejake suchare..

Fotos radsej zdielat nebudem :D Su nechutne :D

2 priklady z mojich skusenosti

Mozno ste vcera zachytili paradny post od mojej seegry @zzuzza. O jej stopovacke v Slovinsku a jazere Bled. Sranda, ze som tam tiez stopoval pred par rokmi :) Ona tam bola s kamoskou, ja sam. Ked som vcera ten jej post cital, uvedomil som si, ako odlisne jej a moje spomienky na ten vylet su. Ona zazila kopu srandy, pre mna to bolo omnoho viac tichsie. Viac rozmyslania atd atd...Podobne vylety, no zaroven uplne odlisne :) Potrebujem jednu vetu navyse, nech mi sedia odseky :D.

Me several years ago

My sis' @zzuzza earlier this year...GO FOLLOW HER MOFOS! :D

Thanks for reading!

Sorry @pipiczech nejak som sa rozpisal a nakoniec som to vcera nestihol :D

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