Get Paid to Go to School - Wisdom 지해

It's @mineopoly from The Groovy School

inviting you to join a virtual adventure of community, curation and enlightenment. I get paid to go to school.

Welcome to:


I'm a teacher and I think

everybody should get paid to go to school. That's why I opened Groovy School. Every day we learn something new and everybody who participates gets paid.

Monday's lesson is: Wisdom

The best place to look for wisdom is Proverbs. We will look at ancient Chinese and Korean proverbs for Wisdom class.

Today's proverb comes from four characters pronounced:

무 = mu 한 = han 부 = bu 득 = deuk



This is directly translated as "No Sweat No Gain."

"땀을 흘리지 않으면 얻을 수 없다."

We cannot get anything unless we sweat for it.

This is the secret to success

in anything especially language acquisition. It won't come easy at first. One of the great things about the Steemit community is that we can cross over our comfort zone and practice foreign languages with anybody around the world. Nobody laughed at me when I started making comments in Korean or Spanish or German. Instead they responded kindly. I know that my grammar is not perfect when I use second languages but that is no reason to stop me. If you don't use it you lose it. Today's wisdom is sweat not sweet.

As proof of sweat

I have been making comments on Korean posts for the past weeks visiting @happyworkingmom and @virus707 and writing comments in Korean.

Proof of Comment


Now you may be wondering how to enroll in Groovy school. Well, I've got news for you. You're already enrolled!!



Students give proof of comment.


Just make a comment.

Your comment will get some upvotes.
Post a link to your own blog post about wisdom and one student will win a free resteem. Groovy students who get more upvotes will get a special reward.

Teachers give proof of upvote:


Upvote as many comments as you like. Say something encouraging to today's students and show them some love.

Original Poem @mineopoly

Perspiration comes after a hard days work.
To some it is not a sweet aroma
But to the worker it is sweet to ponder
The works of his hands.
There is proof of work
The sweat that falls from his brow.

The worker deserves his wages for the sweat
That pours down is the sign to attest
That this was something worth doing.

The worker wipes the sweat
And looks up the sky.
Success comes not in the prize
But the satisfaction comes in the endorphines
That awaken with a drop of sweat.

I love you all ♥

Stay Groovy,


mining the heart

The Groovy School

The happy student picture is public domain at
All other pictures are original works @mineopoly
Earnings from groovy school will support students who fall through the cracks. I support therapy for students with dyscalculia and dyslexia.

Do you agree with 무한부득 Mu-han-bu-deuk?

Do we need to sweat for success?

Feel free to comment.

Link any post about wisdom in the comments so we can learn together.

Or just make any comment as long as you are learning.

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