I invited 496 of my Facebook friends to join Steemit

The event is already created and invites sent, and there’s no prizes rewards for them this time. 496 is the cut off, Facebook wouldn't let me invite more at this point. I don't know if this is only for a certain amount of time. I'll see. I'm still blocked from inviting more people today.

The thing, I’m mentioning above, is in reference to a post I made a couple of days ago. You can read it here.

The link to this Steemit post will be link at the top of the Facebook event.

all right reserved to Stemit inc for this picture

The Famous Facebook event

This is in fact the second Facebook event, where I invite people to join Steemit.com. The first event was private and I couldn’t make it public. The only way to make it public was to create a new event from scratch, so this is what I did. The event had already 12 people attending and 2 interested with 278 people invited. One has to realize that I only invited the last 220 people on Saturday and began to write, that I was about to create a new event of the same type but this time, this new event would be public instead of private, so it might have made some people hesitant to set themselves as attending.

As I said in my previous post about my Facebook event, Facebook events are probably the best marketing campaign most of us can do for Steemit and I don't remember seen this mentioned even once yet. It’s obvious stuff, but still, I haven’t seen it use much if any beside the reply I've got to the post I've mentioned above.

I won’t be doing, what I was planning to do in the post, I mentioned above, because I think there is too much of a potential for Facebook to make this impossible or incredibly difficult versus what could be gained from it.

The description of this Facebook event is awesome. I wrote it 2 days ago. I hope to inspire people to create Facebook events inviting all of their Facebook friends. I encourage people to use my description if they feel like it. People can also invite they friend to my event. Why not try to make the biggest Facebook event where every Facebook users are invited to join Steemit. I’m not saying my Facebook event should be that big event. In fact, I’m a bit apprehensive has to how Facebook could treat such an event that would become really big and they wouldn’t look far for any reasons to block those kind of event. All reasons would be deem as good ones just as long as they're legal.

My Facebook description of the event

French version below

I made more than 30,000$ USD posting on Steemit.com

Steemit.com is a social media on a blockchain. Blockchain is the technology behind Bitcoin for those who heard about Bitcoin.

There's is no need to understand what Bitcoin, blockchain or even Steemit is, to begin to earn money using Steemit. Anyone can do it in less than a minute, literally. There's no need to invest anything. There's no need for a credit card number or anything.

Anyone can see how much Steem I own and how much any Steemians own.

My bank account!

3 weeks ago Steemit.com was top 100,000 most visited website worldwide, 2 weeks ago it was 50,000 and it's now 22,000. (Alexa Ranking) (21,589 today)

There's more women than men on Steemit. (Alexa Ranking)

I'm 309 of the Steemit rich list.

Last week I was in the top 50 best paid writers of Steemit. (More on this below)

My most valuable post is worth 7,000$

My most valuable post is worth 7,000$ of which I was entitled to receive around 85%. I have received it. This happened around 24 hours after making the post and I could cash more than 2000$ USD right away. This post was the top 43 bet paid post at the time and is still probably in the top 50. I made this post 6 days ago.

We all wondered if this Steemit.com possible at first. I did. Most people I've ask did. So what could people do to believe/understand this is real, that this is real money or that it can be change into real money? Well, anyone can verify with the people around me and see if I'm still sane and then take the 5-10 minutes of investigating work to see for themselves if what Steemit.com propose is true and make sense or not.

I'm serious. That's the time it take to learn that around 37% of a Steemit post is paid in Steem Dollars and that those are received between 12-24 hours after making a post, then those Steem Dollars can be exchange to Bitcoin and then to any Fiat currency like US Dollars or Canadian Dollars among the many others.

I'd love to see everyone follow through and try to learn the truth about Steemit but I don't want to force anyone. If Steemit intrigues you, then read on!


Bitcoin was worth 50 cents on January 30 2011, it's now worth around 650$ representing a 130,000% increase. It means, if you owned 1000$ worth of Bitcoin back then in January 30 2011, your Bitcoin are now worth more than 1,000,000$.

Steem is 5 months old. Steem today are worth around 2.50$. They were worth around 50 cents or 500% less than a month ago, if they were to do the same as Bitcoin, 1,000$ worth of Steem today could be worth 260,000$ in less than 6 years from now. Who knows? I don't.

Maybe Bitcoin’s price rise could have been predicted, maybe not. The same can be said about Steem, maybe the value of Steem can be predicted, maybe not.

I'm inviting everyone to learn about those 2 new technologies, Bitcoin and Steem. I'm inviting everyone to sign up to Steemit.com and post something there and see if you like it.

I'm inviting everyone to look at the best paid articles of the day and see if you can do better, see if this is something you might enjoyed.

To learn more about Steemit, I suggest to read some of my articles I've posted there in particular those 3. The links at the bottom of this article.

  • The ultimate guide to Steemit: Part 1
  • The ultimate guide to Steemit: The Prequel (Part 0.1)
  • The ultimate guide to Steemit Part 2

For those who understand Bitcoin and would like to understand some of the ways in which Steem's blockchain is more technologically advance than Bitcoin, see the link named how agile is your blockchain, listed at the very bottom of the this page.

To see how Steemit market cap compares to Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, see the links name coinmarketcap.com below.

Last week, I was in the best paid Steemit writers.

  • Top 50 overall SBD earners: 12th
  • Top 50 overall VESTS earners: 21th
  • Top 50 paying posts (author reward): 17th

The link is at the bottom.

Version française!

J'ai amassé plus de 30 000$ sur Steemit.com

Steemit.com est un réseau social basé sur la technologie derrière Bitcoin, technologie qui se nomme blockchain.

Il n'est pas nécessaire de comprendre qu'es que Bitcoin, le blockchain ou même Steemit pour y commencer à faire de l'argent. Il suffit d'y poster des trucs et aimé des articles.

Steemit ne nécessite aucun investissement ou de numéro de carte de crédit.

Pour en apprendre plus sur Steemit.com je suggère de lire quelque un des articles que j'y ai publié en particulier ces 3 articles.

The ultimate guide to Steemit
The ultimate guide to Steemit: The Prequel
The ultimate guide to Steemit Part 2

Mes avoirs en Steem sont publique et donc peuvent être vu par tout le monde ici.

I'm still trying to contact Serge Fiori. If I can't contact him, I can always give the money to WikiLeaks via the service provided by someone of the Steemit community. There's no reason to do so right now. I haven't used those Steem Dollar to power up. I'm just giving update.

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