I have the most beautiful grannie EVER so where's the #familyphotography contest ???? :D

O-OU ! I got super angry call from family to put down the picture ASAP :( Haha I guess that's why #familyphotography contest doesn't exist :D And also why I shouldn't let my family know about Steemit in the first place :D Well, too sad that I have the most beautiful grannie in the world and can't show her off :)


I was just wondering..isn't there any #familyphotography picture contest on Steemit? Looking at this picture, I always think I'd win it for sure...ok, probably not, but my bias is telling me that I could stand a chance :) It's not cuz of me or my selfie skillz, but cuz it's the most beautiful grannie in the world on the pic! My grannie!

She's exaxtly that type of grannie kids appreciate the most. She doesn't ask question you don't want to hear (like my other grannie does) and the only thing she's concerned about is my full tummy :) In another words, she's just perfect! She lives on opposite side of the country so it's kinda hard to meet with her regularly. Especially now as I'm out of country. But I make sure to meet with her at least twice a year.

"What do u want for breakfast today? :)"


Len rozmyslam...nie je na steemite nejaka sutaz ako napr #familyphotography ? Vzdy ked pozeram na tuto foto, tak mam pocit, ze by som ju isto vyhral. A nie je to kvoli mojim neuveritelnym selfie skills, ale kvoli najkrajsej babke na svete :) Mojej presovskej babke Dunde :)

Je to presne taka babka, aku clovek potrebuje. Nepyta sa otazky, ktore clovek nechce pocut (ako moja druha babka) a zaujima ju len ci mam plny zaludok :) Proste presne to, co clovek u babky hlada :D Byva v Presove, cize ju vidim len parkrat do roka, no vzdy sa na to tesim. O to tazsie tam ist je to teraz, ked som v Trencine vzdy len na par dni. Zazivam tam najkrajsie zobudenia sa v celom roku:

"Co chces na ranajky dnes? :)"

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. How I trained my "finger skills" as 16 year old ;)
  2. I should have done my research beforehand :) ** water drops photoshoot struggle **
  3. [DLive Vlog #4] We have a slackline in the middle of living room!! ** no clickbait **
  4. My Actifit Report Card: July 24 2018 - This won't stop me!! **late night motivation rant**
  5. [DLive timelapse #2] My hometown waking up ** SUNRISE **


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