I should have done my research beforehand :) ** water drops photoshoot struggle **


I don't really like doing stuff without previous research. On the other side I kind of enjoy it. When I have no clue what I'm doing and have this inner laughter: "Wtf Martin, really?"...But yeah, usually I like to do my research before doing somethig...But last week, when @derangenvisions announced his water pics competition I didn't have any extra time to gather some know how. I had just idea and 10 minutes.

Coin water splash droplets

My idea was to drop a coin into a mug with water and take a picture in the right moment. Had no idea how to do this, but with my late experiences with the camera I've bought, all the pics look good anyway. Little did I know how far from truth I was :D

Focus, not enough water and other problems

After figuring out how to set up burst mode (:D), I've taken few rounds. Unsuccessful. Camera was not focusing on droplets. So I've set up manual focus. But wasnt able to get the exact spot of water splash. Then I've ran out of water 2 times, so had to go back inside and get new water. All this while inner Martin was having time of his life, laughing at me how retarded I am. I eventually gave up and later figured out that the best shots were actually the very first ones. Later after posting those to the competition, @derangedvisions has shown me a cool tutorial by @juancarlos1175 on how to shoot such pics. I looove the trick with a pencil :)


Nerad robim veci bez predchadzajuceho googlenia ako na to. Ale zas na druhej strane, je to celkom smiesne, robit nieco a nemat ani sajnu o co sa jedna :D Vzdy sa na sebe vtedy vduchu smejem "Wtf Martin, to ako vazne?"...Ked ale minuly tyzden @derangenvisions vyhlasil his fotosutaz s temou voda, mal som len 10 minu, napad a ziaden extra cas na predchadzajuci research.

Minca, voda a splech

Predstava bola nechat mincu clupnut do vody a odfotit to. Nemal som najmensiu sancu, aky je v tomto pripade spravny postup, no za posledne dva tri mesiace som nadobudol pocit, ze s modernymi fotakmi aj tak len staci stlacit spust a ono sa to uz nejako spravi :D Keby som bol len vedel, ako sa mylim :D

Zaostrenie, nedostatok vody a ine problemy

Ked som konecne zistil, ako nastavit burst mode (:D), spravil som par fotos. Neuspesnych. Kvapky neboli vobec ostre. Tak som zmenil focus na manualny, no nevedel som presne nastavit miesto kvapiek. Potom som musel ist dovnutra po vodu, lebo som jej uz vela vyspliechal mimo nadobu :D Toto vsetko sa dialo pocas toho, ako sa vnutorny Martin na mne naramne zabaval. Eventualne som to v zahrade po ca 25 minutach zabalil s tym, ze tie prve fotos su aj tak najlepsie. @derangedvisions mi neskor ukazal tutorial od @juancarlos1175 ako taketo fotos robit. Ten trik s ceruzkou je mega :)





Thanks for reading!

Dik za precitanie!

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. My Actifit Report Card: July 24 2018 - This won't stop me!! **late night motivation rant**
  2. [DLive timelapse #2] My hometown waking up ** SUNRISE **
  3. 7-Day Music Challenge: Your Top Albums - #3 Aashiqui ** this one cracked my shell **
  4. 7-Day Music Challenge: Your Top Albums - #2 Eminem Show
  5. [DLive VLOG #1] New haircut!! + shopping & workout in the park


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