A handwritten poem found in a pre-World War I family bible

Sorting through some old books today I found a family bible given to me many years ago by my father.

Like many old family bibles this one has several generations of family birth, death and marriage details written inside the front and back covers.

This used to be a popular way of recording family history. Do people still do this these days or is it all ancestry.com and Facebook postings these days?

I can't find an actual date the bible was produced but it is definitely old!

I love the phrase on this title page :

Translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by his Majesty's special command.

The bible cost 2 shillings, which was 10p or about US $0.14.

Alongside the births, deaths and marriage details that are always useful to have to hand was this page.

On it is a handwritten poem, which on a separate sheet my father writes :

The 'ditty' is said to be written by my mother's brother, Leslie W... F..., who died in the navy in the First World War.

The poem is titled 'Going to Church'...

Some go to church for a walk
Some go there to laugh and talk
Some go there the time to spend
Some go there to meet a friend
Some go to learn the Parson's name
Some go there to ?wound? his fame [not sure about 'wound' - ideas?]
Some go there for speculation
Some go there for observation
Some go there to dose and nod
But few [go] there to worship GOD

I am guessing this was written shortly before the First World War, pre 1914.

This is just a little nugget of my family history - particularly for @ravenruis and any other family historians on Steem.

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[ images by pennsif ]

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