Is World War III imminent? join a discussion on The Alternative Lifestyle Show in 4 hours from now

Is the world teetering on the brink of World War 3?

Certain sections of the media would have us believe so. Is it true or is it fake?

Trump and Putin are facing off over Syria. Who is going to blink first....

This is a hot topic. I thought we really should discuss it on the Alternative Lifestyle Show today. Worst of the worst and it all blows up, can we prep for it?

@geordieprepper is coming on for the second half of the show to discuss this with me and hopefully fellow prepper @jackdub from Canada.

If you would like to join in the discussion message me on Discord (pennsif#9921) or comment below.

Just to set the context check out this post from @gomeravibz :

Even the BBC is getting in on the show with headlines like...

Or if you want to know why there won't be a nuclear holocaust check out @ura-soul's recent post :

In the first half of the show on MSP Waves Radio today from 10pm - midnight UTC we have a trio of homesteading guests from right around the world :

  • @andysantics48 - farmer, homesteader and gardener from New Zealand who is also documenting her 'Downhill Slide to 50' weight loss progress

  • @cecicastor - homesteader, writer, wife, mother, grandmother, gardener, teacher, mentor... Originally from Canada and now living in Nicaragua

  • @goldendawne - one of the leading homesteaders on the platform, a former Steward of Gondor for @fulltimegeek, and a super curator extraordinaire, hailing from Michigan in the USA

I look forward to seeing you all on MSP Waves on Friday at 10pm UTC tucked in between @Uniwhisp's Emotion Integration show and the Chaos Show with @globocop and @disarrangedjane.

If you missed the week before last's show with @furius, @cahlen, @goldendawne, @nairadaddy, @ura-soul recordings are available :

If you missed the earlier special 'A View from the Ozarks' with @papa-pepper, @awesomehomestead, @armadillocreek, @borrowedearth and @freedompoint a recording is available :

Each week the Alternative Lifestyle Show will be cover a whole range of topics including :

  • homesteading
  • prepping
  • homeschooling
  • tiny houses
  • complimentary medicine
  • alternative energy
  • cooking, particularly low meat, vegetarian and vegan
  • permaculture and organic gardening

If you have a passion for any of these subjects and would like to come on future shows please drop a comment below or find me on Discord at Pennsif#9921.

The Alternative Lifestyle Show is on MSP Waves Radio.

It is on Fridays, 10pm - midnight UTC.

If you are not sure of your local times check :

You will be able to listen through the PAL Discord server, via or on Twitch at

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