My Witnesses - time for a clearout & rebirth

A week ago I posted the first part of my Steem Springclean.

In that post I outlined how I was re-evaluating much of my interaction points with steem - people I follow, Discords I belong to and witnesses I vote for.

Cutting down the number of people I follow and usefully interact with is working well - but still a work in progress.

Leaving a considerable number of Discord servers that I never had time to visit has been absolutely fine. There is still more refinement to be done. I would rather be more actively involved in a small number of Discords than fleetingly present in a great big bunch of them.

Then I come on to witnesses.

This is much more complex.

As I have poked and prodded, and investigated a good bit more, I have realised how important witnesses are. Perhaps more important than they realise themselves.

So my choice of who I vote for is important. Not because I am a major whale voter. But because I am voter and an investor. As the cool dudes would say I have skin in the game.

To date I have voted for almost my full quota of 30 witnesses.

However by and large my reasons for most of the votes have been quite lightweight - someone has told me they are a good person, I have seen they are doing some potentially useful project, or I have just been asked by a friend...

Now though I want to cast my votes with more understanding and more meaning.

I want to know much more about each witness that I vote for.

I want to know if they have the same ideas about steem and steemit as I do.

For example, are they pro or anti bid bots.

And I would really like to know about them as human beings. Are they people I might like or are they people I might abhor?

It is going to be interesting finding out.

Maybe I should invite all the witnesses on to my radio shows for a bit of a chat and a cup of tea.

The invitation is on the table for any witness who would like to come on either of my shows - My Life in 8 Songs or The Alternative Lifestyle.

Maybe I won't be able to find out much at all about some of the witnesses and they won't be willing to tell me. My little pot of 19 MVests will not be of interest to them.

But with my 19MV I am amazingly the 1056th most important witness voter.

So if I am of no voting interest to a witness what hope is there for the other 900,000+ accounts out there...

My quest will begin in earnest.

If any witness, up and coming or top of the tree, wants to make contact with me in the meantime I am always happy to chat. Just hit me up on Discord @Pennsif#9921

To make the reset and rebirth complete, and to keep all the playing fields level, I will likely remove all my witness votes to start afresh.

So if everybody's best friend Gina tells you that I have unvoted you, it is not because I don't love you anymore. It is just that I feel we need to get to know each other a little better before we take it to the next level.

In the meantime just kick back and watch a Harrison Ford film...

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[ photo by pennsif ]

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