USA and Bangladesh Friendship Poultry Farming Business via Steemit Prat-5

Dear Steemians,

You might be waiting to see how our poultry farm is going on in Bangladesh. We are so happy that chickens are now big enough for sell. Well, happiness is not always happy moment. We will have to say good bye to them within few days. I am going to share our chickens farms update in day 24 . The baby chicks were brought in the farm on 22 January, 2018 . Now they are 24 days old. I and @kenny-crane are partner of the business. We together own 250 chickens.

14 February, 2018
Aren't they looks big ? Did you see their first day in the farm ?

22 January, 2018

They now eat a lot. 3 Bags of foods in one day. We have around 1350 Chickens after all kind of losses of life. We are sorry for them and also it was some financial losses. But we can cover it with our existing chickens.



Yesterday, me and 2 of my brothers were working together in the farm at night. We are looking for any person who will sleep near to the farm at night. As it is far away from our home. We can't check whether someone trying to steal the chickens. As it is near to the river and restricted area, general people has no entry there. We need to be careful last few days so no big losses happens.

In the above picture, One of my brothers was giving food in the pots.

In the above picture, I was working in the farm on 14 February, 2018



We are provide foods and water three times in a day. I mostly work at night to help my brother. I love to work there in free time. It is not only a business to me but also it give me more happiness to see they are growing. I am so excited with the project as I am partner of the project.

As @Kenny-crane is busy with some projects, so he can't share our partnership poultry farming project very often. But can read more from him from here.

Read more from Kenny Crane

Read my last few articles about the

||Prat-4||Prat-3 ||Part-2||Part-1 ||

They are trying to eat my fingers.:O

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Please contact me @Azizbd for any information .

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