A day in the future: “buying emotions as Christmas gifts”

"A day in the future” is a series of posts about fictional and "mundane" conversations people will have in the future. The goal for me here is to present futurists day to day interactions from a human point of view.



On Christmas Day of 2099, a visit between 2 remotes and totally virtual entities occurs.

One of them, “Jennifer” is having a difficult time this Christmas and is looking for ways to re-experience her favorite moment.

-Gaby (virtual store assistant): hello, my name is Gaby and welcome to Gabytion, the #1 store to find the best Emotions and Feelings! How can I help you today?

-Jennifer (a customer): hello Gabby, today I woke up remembering my first kiss when I was a teenager, long before I transhumanized me, I was still a virgin and I had an experience I never hag again.

2 teenagers in love

-Gaby: I assume you want to experience a similar feeling like the one you had that time?

-Jennifer: Yes! The closest experience possible! I always wanted to relive that feeling of innocence, that moment when I thought my heart would come out of my chest.

-Gaby: may I recommend you something? Or would you prefer to choose yourself from our menu?

-Jennifer: Yes! Do you have something in mind?

-Gaby: as a matter of fact I do! I have something new, extracted from a woman’s consciousness a few days ago, an experience that let me tell you, not only will your heart go out, but even your tears, virtually or not.

-Jennifer: tell me more about it!


A family on the beach

-Gaby: it’s the experience of a young gal that went to the beach with her family when she was around 16 years old and there she met a young fellow of about the same age. They liked each other’s and they were both really nervous, there was a moment in which they were alone on the beach, both listening to the waves of the sea and looking at the sky. Eventually he touches her hand and she went red as a tomato since she was really shy, but he was also kind of nervous.

In this same moment they looked at each other eyes while the seagulls went flying ahead, and just as one of the waves kindly touched their feet, he gently placed his hand on her neck and laid her on the sand...

I won’t tell you more, because the kiss was even better than any romantic movie you have ever watch.


-Jennifer: woooow, that certainly sounds very good. And how much does this experience costs?

Memorable moment

-Gaby: well, according to your shopping history with us, this experience will cost you 50% more than the last time. But I promised you, it’s worth it. What you will feel is priceless.

-Jennifer: what about secondary effects? I don’t want to spend the rest of my life suffering for a love that wasn’t even mine nor real.

-Gaby: well that’s the best part! This experience has a happy ending. And if you wish, you can buy the whole series. This woman has had a great life, full of incredible and enriching experiences. And worst case scenario, you can but the antidote.

-Jennifer: antidote?!

-Gaby: of course! If after a few days you think this feeling is too much for you. For a little bit more credit you can buy the antidote which consists on a software that replaces this experiences for a more generic and easy to forget one.

-Jennifer: all right then! Send me this experience right now because I want to implant it as soon as possible! This is going to be the perfect Christmas gift for myself!

Today we can see a lot of vloggers monetizing their experiences using videos. Do you think in the future monetizing experiences this way will be possible?

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