Facing our fears

Truth be told, sometimes our fears can paralyze us and stop us from doing things we would like to do, but are afraid of doing so because we fear failing at it, or doing it bad to the point even our self esteem can be affected negatively.




Having and experiencing fear from time to time isn't necessarily bad because it's a natural part of life, animals experience fear when they run away from humans for example, sometimes, especially in the wild experiencing fear can be the difference between life and death.

But in our civilization things is different, because our fears most of the time aren't about life or dead since we don't have risky situations (mostly). The majority of the fears we experience are related to the perception others have of ourselves.

We worry what they might think about us.

This feeling, if we don't control it, can overtake us to the point in which we cannot function properly on our day to day lives because we are afraid of screwing everything we try.

This is a dynamic that must be stopped immediately because it will prevent us from improving our situation and trap us in a dark place which is hard to escape.

We need to convince ourself that the best thing for us to do is to face our fears because it's the only way to beat it. It's the only way to overcome it and to grown as a person.

Even if we don't succeed the first time we face our fears, we would be happy we did it, and we would e stronger and more confident next time we face it. And eventually we would beat it.


Why is it important to face our fears as many times as it takes

If we don't control it and instead let fear control us, our life would be a manifestation of decisions taken for the wrong reasons. The end results will be a constant hiding behind pretexts, excuses, and even lies to avoid doing the things that cause us fear. We would end up building a personality designed by ourself to hide our fears. And this way it's impossible to be happy.

Besides, every time we avoid something out of fear, it grows and will keep growing. The only person able to change this, is ourselves.

Perhaps the hardest part is to accept we have fear and accept we are vulnerable to it until we successfully overcome it. We need to reflect about what might be the causes of this fear, because knowing that will help us fix this personal weakness.

We need to take into account all the possible positive experiences we can get when doing new things that look scary at the beginning. Just this reason should be enough for us to make the effort and taking proper action.


How can we beat our fears?

The most important thing here is to realize and internalize that the worst that can happen isn't necessarily bad, I mean doing something wrong or even totally screwing something is an opportunity for us to learn if we are humble enough. And it will allow us to be wiser.

We also need to understand the fact that fear has it biological reason that is protecting us from deadly situations, if the situation we are facing isn't deadly, then we have no reason to be scared. This way we can understand our mind is just tricking us into feeling something without any justification. This can allow us to understand our feelings better and be able to change them.

Trusting our own capabilities of managing the fear for the first time is also very basic, as we gain more and more experience we will be having less and less fear until we reach the point when it's completely natural for us to take part in the situation that scares us.

Perhaps the first time we face it will be very hard, but the next time will be less hard and then even less hard, we can use this as another motivation to keep going.

If we do this we can overcome any fear we might have. This will allow us to have a more whole life which in turns would make us even healthier and happier.

For example, for me personally talking in public and making videos has always been difficult, but today I decided to face this fear and do my first video on dtube, it took me several takes to get a good audio but in the end I felt happy that I did it. And I expect to get better at this as time goes...

Do you have a fear you haven't overcome yet? Are you planning to face it?

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