A day in the future: “2 places at the same time”

”A day in the future” will be a series of posts about fictional and "mundane" conversations people will have in the future. The goal for me here is to present futurists day to day interactions from a human point of view.




In a not so distant future

2 friends are chatting about what they are going to do that night

-Charles Jones: ... and don’t worry Melanie, I will be in the concert even if I have to split myself in 2

-Melanie: I hope so! Talk to you later xoxo

-Charles Jones (minutes later): hey what’s up Tom! I didn’t expect you!

-Tom: you didn’t expect me? You know I am working a lot in my TomFest and I really need you dude, a lot of fans are asking for you to show up in the concert

-Charles Jones: sure thing bro when do you need me?

-Tom (smiling): I need you tonight!

-Charles Jones: tonight! I have another compromise tonight and you know I am not the biggest fan of that weird multitasking thing

-Tom: brother you know I love you like a brother right? And today is my birthday, it would make me sooo happy if you could just go and spend some with us.

-Charles Jones: man you really know how to convince people... wait for me there I will go. You owe me!


Charles Jones (at night): all right, well I have no way out of this... HAL initiate neuro-synthetic cloning process. I want just 1 copy.

HAL (an artificial intelligence): initiating process, please confirm conscience deactivation code

Charles Jones: confirmed code, see you in a bit

HAL (a little while later): hello, cloning process finished.

Charles: excellent

Jones: excellent

Charles (looking at Jones and excited): holy sht! I do this 100 times and 100 times I got excited!

Jones (looking at Charles): WTF! I was gonna say the same thing

Charles: well brother we know what we need to do, I go and spend the night with Melanie and you go with Tom

Jones: take care! Remember you are me!


Charles (next morning): heyy how was your night? I had a great time! We played music until dawn!

Jones: I also had a great time bro! As you know, Tom is quite a character we played until there mas no one else at the party hahaha

Charles: AWESOME! I want to feel that experience now!

Jones: and I want to feel yours! Let’s start the fusion process right now! HAL initiate fusion process of 2 neuro-synthetic instances into one

HAL: initiated process, please confirm conscience deactivation code

Charles: confirmed code

Jones: confirmed code

HAL (a while later): hello, fusion process finished

Charles Jones (talking to himself): I am sure if I could travel back to the 2000s and tell people this will be possible in the future, they would call me crazy and put me inside of a mental hospital!!

Do you think in the future an interaction like this would be possible?

Would you like it?

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3 columns
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1 column